Solaris 10 10/08 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning

ProcedureSPARC: To Fall Back to the Original Boot Environment by Using a DVD, CD, or Net Installation Image

Use this procedure to boot from a DVD, CD, a net installation image or another disk that can be booted. You need to mount the root (/) slice from the last-active boot environment. Then run the luactivate command, which makes the switch. When you reboot, the last-active boot environment is up and running again.

  1. At the OK prompt, boot the machine to single-user state from the Solaris Operating System DVD, Solaris Software - 1 CD, the network, or a local disk:

    OK boot cdrom -s 


    OK boot net -s


    OK boot device_name -s

    Specifies the name of the disk and the slice where a copy of the operating system resides, for example /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0

  2. If necessary, check the integrity of the root (/) file system for the fallback boot environment.

    # fsck device_name

    Specifies the location of the root (/) file system on the disk device of the boot environment you want to fall back to. The device name is entered in the form of /dev/dsk/cwtxdysz.

  3. Mount the active boot environment root (/) slice to some directory, such as /mnt:

    # mount device_name /mnt

    Specifies the location of the root (/) file system on the disk device of the boot environment you want to fall back to. The device name is entered in the form of /dev/dsk/cwtxdysz.

  4. From the active boot environment root (/) slice, type:

    # /mnt/sbin/luactivate

    luactivate activates the previous working boot environment and indicates the result.

  5. Unmount /mnt

    # umount  /mnt
  6. Reboot.

    # init 6

    The previous working boot environment becomes the active boot environment.