Solaris 10 10/08 Release Notes

Solaris Volume Manager metassist Command Fails in Non-English Locales (5067097)

In non-English locales, the Solaris Volume Manager metassist command might fail to create volumes. For example, if LANG is set to ja (Japanese), the following error message is displayed:

xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant : input not UTF-8
Syntax of value for attribute read on mirror is not valid
Value "XXXXXX"(unknown word) for attribute read on mirror 
is not among the enumerated set
Syntax of value for attribute write on mirror is not valid
Value "XXXXXX"(Parallel in Japanse) for attribute write on mirror 
is not among the enumerated set
metassist: XXXXXX(invalid in Japanese) volume-config

Workaround: As superuser, set the LANG variable to LANG=C.

For the Bourne, Korn, and Bash shells, use the following command:

# LANG=C; export LANG

For the C shell, use the following command:

# setenv LANG C