Solaris 10 10/08 Release Notes

System-Level Issues

User Preferences Not Fully Compatible

User preferences in your home account for an earlier version of the GNOME Desktop might be partly incompatible with the version on the Java DS Release 3.

Workaround: Reset your preferences. Perform the following steps:

  1. Log out of the Java Desktop System.

  2. Click Session and choose Failsafe terminal.

  3. Log in.

  4. In the failsafe terminal window, enter the following commands:

    % gnome-cleanup exit
  5. Log in again.

    Your GNOME preferences are now reset.

Problems With Online Registration of StarOffice Software (6208829)

You might be unable to complete the online registration of the StarOffice software if the software cannot find Mozilla on the system. The software must be able to locate the Email and Calendar application to successfully send documents.

Workaround: Add /usr/sfw/bin to your PATH. Perform the following steps.

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Issue the following command:

    % export PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:$PATH
  3. To start the StarOffice software, issue the following command:

    % soffice
  4. Complete the StarOffice registration procedure.