Solaris 10 10/08 Release Notes

SUNWsmbar Removes the /etc/services and /etc/inet/services Files During Upgrade (6756546)

During system upgrade to the Solaris 10 10/08 OS, the /etc/services and /etc/inet/services files are removed when the SUNWsmbar is installed. The following error messages are displayed on the system console upon reboot:

line1-v215 console login: Oct  6 15:40:57 inetd[457]: Property 'name' of instance
svc:/network/stdiscover:default is missing, inconsistent or invalid
Oct  6 15:40:57 inetd[457]: Property 'proto' of instance 
svc:/network/stdiscover:default is missing, inconsistent or invalid
Oct  6 15:40:57 inetd[457]: Invalid configuration for instance 
svc:/network/stdiscover:default, placing in maintenance
Oct  6 15:40:57 inetd[457]: Property 'name' of instance 
svc:/network/stlisten:default is missing, inconsistent or invalid
Oct  6 15:40:57 inetd[457]: Property 'proto' of instance 
svc:/network/stlisten:default is missing, inconsistent or invalid
Oct  6 15:40:57 inetd[457]: Invalid configuration for instance 
svc:/network/stlisten:default, placing in maintenance

Workaround: To prevent removal of the /etc/services and /etc/inet/services during OS upgrade perform the following steps:

  1. Stop all running Samba services:

    #svcadm disable samba:default swat:default wins:default winbind:default
  2. Uninstall the SUNWsmbar package before upgrading the OS:

    #pkgrm SUNWsmbar
  3. Upgrade the OS to the Solaris 10 10/08 release.

  4. Re-install the SUNWsmbar package:

    #pkgadd SUNWsmbar