Solaris 10 5/09 Release Notes

Sun Java Desktop System

This section describes issues that apply to the Sun Java Desktop System (Java DS) in the Solaris 10 OS.

Email and Calendar

This section describes issues related to Email and Calendars.

Problem With Changing Authentication Type (6246543)

After you change the authentication type for the incoming mail server, Email and Calendar might not work correctly.

Workaround: Restart Email and Calendar.

Login Issues

This section describes login issues.

Login Error Message

You might encounter the following error message when you log in to a Java Desktop System session:

Could not look up internet address for hostname.
This will prevent GNOME from operating correctly.
It may be possible to correct the problem by adding 
hostname to the file /etc/hosts

Workaround: Ensure that your hostname is set up correctly in the /etc/hosts file. Perform the following steps:

  1. Set the hostname in the /etc/hosts file as follows: localhost loghost hostname

    hostname is the name of your system.

  2. Ensure that your hostname is listed in the /etc/nodename file. This file must also contain the following line: localhost loghost hostname

Help System

Wrong Help Window Opened For Volume Control (6253210)

If you use the Yelp browser to open the online help for Volume Control, the help file for the Keyboard Accessibility panel application is opened instead.

Workaround: None.

Mozilla Browser

Cannot Print Certain Documents From the Mozilla Browser

You cannot print documents from the Mozilla browser if the documents contain Unicode characters that are not in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP).

Workaround: None.

System-Level Issues

User Preferences Not Fully Compatible

User preferences in your home account for an earlier version of the GNOME Desktop might be partly incompatible with the version on the Java DS Release 3.

Workaround: Reset your preferences. Perform the following steps:

  1. Log out of the Java Desktop System.

  2. Click Session and choose Failsafe terminal.

  3. Log in.

  4. In the failsafe terminal window, enter the following commands:

    % gnome-cleanup exit
  5. Log in again.

    Your GNOME preferences are now reset.

Problems With Online Registration of StarOffice Software (6208829)

You might be unable to complete the online registration of the StarOffice software if the software cannot find Mozilla on the system. The software must be able to locate the Email and Calendar application to successfully send documents.

Workaround: Add /usr/sfw/bin to your PATH. Perform the following steps.

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Issue the following command:

    % export PATH=/usr/sfw/bin:$PATH
  3. To start the StarOffice software, issue the following command:

    % soffice
  4. Complete the StarOffice registration procedure.

Problems With Sound Recorder

The slide bar and the side counter do not work when the Sound Recorder is recording a new.wav file.

Workaround: None.

Nautilus ACL MASK is Not in Sync With Group Permissions (6464485)

The Group permissions in the Permissions tab should be the same as the Mask permissions in the Access Tab, but on some occasions they appear out of sync.

Workaround: Click the Close button, and then click Reload. View the file properties again. The Group permissions and the Mask permissions will now be in sync again. The permissions are set to what you changed the Mask to in the previous step.

strftime(3c) Should Support GNU Extension in %-m And %-d (6448815)

The Java DS menu bar and some applications, like Evolution, incorrectly display Chinese date. The incorrect date is displayed in the %-m M %-d D format where M and D are the month and date in Chinese respectively.

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

  1. Backup the /usr/share/locale/LC_MESSAGES/gnome-panel*.mo file.

  2. Download gnome-panel.gnome-2-16.zh_CN.po from and save it under the /tmp directory.

  3. Edit the file gnome-panel.gnome-2-16.zh_CN.po and replace all occurrences of %-m with %Om, and %-d with %e.

  4. Generate a new gnome-panel.gnome-2-16.zh_CN.po file.

    msgfmt -v -o /tmp/gnome-panel.gnome-2-16.zh_CN.po

    Copy the file back to the /usr/share/locale/LC_MESSAGES/ directory.

  5. Log out of the system and re-login.

x86: Cannot Configure Full-Screen Magnification on Systems With One Video Card

If your Solaris 10 system has a single physical video card, you cannot configure the system for full-screen magnification. For such a configuration, you must use a separate configuration file in which you define settings for a dummy driver. First, make sure that the Xserver is not running. Then perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to a command-line session.

    • If you are using the GNOME Display Manager, follow these steps:

      1. Log in to a session as superuser.

      2. At the prompt, type svcadm disable application/gdm2-login .

      3. Log in again as superuser.

    • If you are using dtlogin, follow these steps:

      1. In the dtlogin window, click Options and select Command Line Login.

      2. Log in as superuser.

  2. Create a new xorg.conf file.

    # /usr/X11/bin/Xorg -configure

    The command creates the file in the root (/) directory.

  3. Copy the new configuration file to the /etc/x11 directory and rename the file xorg.conf.

    # cp / /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  4. Modify the configurations in the file by using the following sample configurations:

    • Add a new monitor section.

      Section "Monitor"
       	Identifier   "monitor_dummy"
       	ModelName    "dummy"
       	HorizSync    10-200
         	VertRefresh  20-90
    • Add a new device section.

      Section "Device"
         BoardName    "dummy"
         Driver       "dummy"
         Identifier   "device_dummy"
         VendorName   "dummy"
         videoram	10000

      Note –

      You might need to adjust the videoram value, depending on the screen width, height, and color depth of your particular graphics card. The value in Kbytes must be large enough for the intended screen. For example, you can compute the value by using the formula width * height * bpp/8.

    • Add a new screen section.

      Section "Screen"
         DefaultDepth 24
         SubSection "Display"
           Depth      24
           Modes      "1280x1024"
         Device       "device_dummy"
         Identifier   "screen_dummy"
         Monitor      "monitor_dummy"

      Note –

      You might need to adjust the resolution value for your particular system setup.

  5. Look for the following line under the ServerLayout section:

    Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
  6. Insert the following line below the line in the previous step:

    Screen      1  "screen_dummy" RightOf "Screen0"

    This new line defines Screen1, a second dummy screen that is notionally to the right of Screen0, the physical and primary screen.

  7. Save the changes.

  8. Reboot the system from the appropriate command-line session:

    • If you are using GDM, perform the following:

      1. Type svcadm enable application/gdm2-login.

      2. Reboot the system.

    • If you are using dtlogin, reboot the system and log in.

  9. Start the Gnopernicus screen reader.

  10. Change the Startup Mode to Magnifier.

  11. Click Preferences, then select Magnifier.

  12. Click Add/Modify.

  13. Assign the following values for Magnifier preferences:

    • For Source: 0.1

    • For Zoomer Placement:

      • Left and Top: 0

      • Bottom and Right: maximum

  14. Click Apply.

    Because of the overlaying full-screen magnification zoomer, the Gnopernicus windows become invisible. However, full-screen magnification is now available.

Certain View Options Might Cause File Manager to Fail (6233643)

The File Manager might fail if you use the following View options:

Depending on the View options that you use, the following error messages might be displayed:

Workaround: None. Every time these problems occur, restart File Manager or click the Restart Application button on the crash dialog box.