Solaris 10 5/09 Release Notes

fwflash Does Not Support ConnectX and hermon HCAs (6731804)

The standard fwflash command needs a plug-in to support firmware update on the ConnectX HCA flash device. This plug-in is not yet available in the Solaris 10 5/09 release.

Workaround: A standalone version of the utility is available to enable Solaris 10 users to update their firmware. Perform the following steps:

  1. Download the utility and man page from the Customer Download Center at On this page search for Solaris InfiniBand (IB) Updates 3. Follow the instructions for downloading the package and untar the files. Do not install the package since you need to extract only some of the files.

  2. Rename the original .tar file:

    # mv ib_updates_3_s10u6.i386.tar ib_updates_3_s10u6.i386.tar-orig
  3. Unzip the compressed .tar file:

    #gunzip ib_updates_3_s10u6.i386.tgz
  4. Extract the cxflash utility from the .tar file:

    # tar -xvf ib_updates_3_s10u6.i386.tar usr/sbin/cxflash

    This will extract the relative path below your working directory:

    # ls -lR usr
    total 2
    drwxrwxrwx   2 staff    staff        512 Mar  9 09:20 sbin
    total 88
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 staff    staff      44976 Jan 26 13:39 cxflash
  5. Copy the cxflash file to /usr/sbin. This utility can be used to flash firmware onto hermon and ConnectX HCAs.

    # ls -l firmware
    total 1952
    -rw-r--r--   1 staff    staff     487336 Jan 30 18:29 SUN-375-3548_2.5.100.bin
    -rw-r--r--   1 staff    staff     487436 Jan 30 18:29 SUN-375-3549_2.5.100.bin

    Note –

    The firmware directory which is created when the files are extracted, contains the firmware files for Sun-branded HCA cards and Express Modules. If you have a different versions of the HCA card, please obtain firmware of minimum 2.5.000 revision from your HCA card vendor.