Solaris 10 10/09 Release Notes

Launching Legacy Locale Applications

For applications that are not ready to migrate to Unicode UTF-8, you can create a launcher on a front panel to start the application in legacy locales. You can also launch the applications directly from the command line. Perform the following steps to create a launcher for an application.

  1. Right-click on the panel where you want to place the launcher.

  2. Choose Add to Panel->Launcher.

  3. Use the following format to type the entry in the Command field in the Create Launcher dialog:

    env LANG=locale LC_ALL=
    locale application name

    For example, if you want to launch an application called motif-app from /usr/dt/bin in the Chinese Big5 locale, enter the following text in the Command field of the Create Launcher:

    env LANG=zh_TW.BIG5 LC_ALL=zh_TW.BIG5 /usr/dt/bin/motif-app
  4. Click OK to create the launcher on the panel.

When you need to run CLI (command line interface) applications which are specific to a legacy locale, open a Terminal window in the legacy locale first and then run the CLI applications in the same Terminal window. To open a Terminal window in a legacy locale, enter the following command:

eng LANG=locale LC_ALL=locale GNOME-TERMINAL –disbable-factory.

Instead of opening a new Terminal window in a legacy locale, you can switch the locale setting from UTF-8 to a legacy locale in the current Terminal window by changing the encoding the Set Character Encoding menu in the Terminal window. Then you must also set the LANG and LANG environment variables to the current shell.