Solaris 10 10/09 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning

Creating a New Boot Environment From a Source Other Than the Currently Running System

If you are creating a boot environment from a source other than the currently running system, you must use the lucreate command with the -s option. The -s option works the same as for a UFS file system. The -s option provides the path to the alternate root (/) file system. This alternate root (/) file system is the source for the creation of the new ZFS root pool. The alternate root can be either a UFS (/) root file system or a ZFS root pool. The copy process might take time, depending on your system.

Example 11–5 Creating a Boot Environment From an Alternate Root (/) File System

The following command creates a new ZFS root pool from an existing ZFS root pool. The -n option assigns the name to the boot environment to be created, new-zfsBE. The -s option specifies the boot environment, source-zfsBE, to be used as the source of the copy instead of the currently running boot environment. The -p option specifies to place the new boot environment in newpool2.

# lucreate -n new-zfsBE  -s source-zfsBE -p rpool2

The boot environment, new-zfsBE, is ready to be upgraded and activated.