Solaris 10 10/09 Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations

ProcedureSPARC: To Install the Client Over the Network (CDs)

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes that you have completed the following tasks.

  1. Turn on the client system.

    If the system is currently running, bring the system to run level 0.

    The ok prompt is displayed.

  2. Boot the system from the network.

    • To install with the Solaris interactive installation GUI, type the following command.

      ok boot net
    • To install with the Solaris interactive text installer in a desktop session, type the following command.

      ok boot net - text
    • To install with the Solaris interactive text installer in a console session, type the following command.

      ok boot net - nowin

    The system boots from the network.

  3. If you are prompted, answer the system configuration questions.

    If you are using the GUI, after you confirm the system configuration information, the Welcome to Solaris panel appears.

  4. If you are prompted, answer any additional questions to complete your installation.

See Also

For information about how to complete an interactive installation with the Solaris installation GUI, see To Install or Upgrade With the Solaris Installation Program With GRUB in Solaris 10 10/09 Installation Guide: Basic Installations.