Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Migration Guide

How This Book Is Organized

Chapter 1, Overview of the Migration Process for Directory Server describes the steps involved in migrating to Directory Server 6.3.

Chapter 2, Automated Migration Using the dsmig Command explains how to use the migration tool provided with Directory Server 6.3.

Chapter 3, Migrating Directory Server Manually describes the process for manual migration of each part of Directory Server.

Chapter 4, Migrating a Replicated Topology describes the issues involved in migrating replicated servers.

Chapter 5, Architectural Changes in Directory Server describes the architectural changes in Directory Server 6.3 that affect migration from a previous version.

Chapter 6, Migrating Directory Proxy Server describes how the configuration properties in Directory Proxy Server 6.3 can be used to simulate a version 5 configuration.

Chapter 7, Migrating Identity Synchronization for Windows describes the steps involved in migrating to Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.3.