Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Administration Guide

Chapter 18 Directory Proxy Server Instances

This chapter describes how to administer an instance of Directory Proxy Server. This chapter covers the following topics:

Working With Directory Proxy Server Instances

When you create an instance of Directory Proxy Server, the files and directories required for the instance are created in the path that you specify.

ProcedureTo Create a Directory Proxy Server Instance

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

If you use DSCC to create a new server instance, you can choose to copy some or all of the server configuration settings from an existing server.

  1. Create the instance of Directory Proxy Server.

    $ dpadm create -p port instance-path

    For example, to create a new instance in the directory /local/dps, use this command:

    $ dpadm create -p 2389 /local/dps

    To specify any other parameter of the instance, see the dpadm(1M) man page.

  2. Type a password if required.

  3. Confirm that the instance has been created by verifying the status of the instance.

    $ dpadm info instance-path
  4. (Optional) If you installed Directory Proxy Server using the Sun JavaTM Enterprise System installer or a native package installation, and your OS provides a service management solution, you can enable the server to be managed as a service, as shown in this table.

    Operating System 


    Solaris 10 

    dpadm enable-service --type SMF instance-path

    Solaris 9 

    dpadm autostart instance-path

    Linux, HP-UX 

    dpadm autostart instance-path


    dpadm enable-service --type WIN_SERVICE instance-path

  5. (Optional) Register the server instance, using one of these methods:

    • Access DSCC through the URL https://localhost:6789 and log in to the browser interface.

    • Use the command dsccreg add-server.

      For details, see the dsccreg(1M) man page.

ProcedureTo Find the Status of a Directory Proxy Server Instance

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. Find the status of an instance of Directory Proxy Server.

    $ dpadm info instance-path

ProcedureTo Start and Stop Directory Proxy Server

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. To start or stop Directory Proxy Server, do one of the following.

    • To start Directory Proxy Server, type:

      $ dpadm start instance-path

      For example, to start an instance at /local/dps, use this command:

      $ dpadm start /local/dps
    • To stop Directory Proxy Server, type:

      $ dpadm stop instance-path

      For example:

      $ dpadm stop /local/dps

ProcedureTo View Whether It Is Necessary to Restart a Directory Proxy Server Instance

Sometimes, a configuration change requires the server to be restarted before the change takes effect. Use this procedure to check whether it is necessary to restart a Directory Proxy Server instance after a configuration change.

  1. View whether it is necessary to restart the server.

    $ dpconf get-server-prop -h host -p port is-restart-required
    • If the command returns true, you must restart the instance of Directory Proxy Server.

    • If the command returns false, it is not necessary to restart the instance of Directory Proxy Server.

ProcedureTo Restart Directory Proxy Server

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. Restart Directory Proxy Server.

    $ dpadm restart instance-path

    For example, to restart an instance at /local/dps, use this command:

    $ dpadm restart /local/dps

ProcedureTo Delete a Directory Proxy Server Instance

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. (Optional) Stop the Directory Proxy Server instance.

    $ dpadm stop instance-path

    If you do not stop the instance, the delete command will stop it automatically. However, if you have enabled the instance in a service management solution, you must stop it manually.

  2. (Optional) If you have previously used DSCC to manage the server, use the command line to unregister the server.

    $ dsccreg remove-server /local/dps
    Enter DSCC administrator's password:
    /local/dps is an instance of DPS
    Enter password of "cn=Proxy Manager" for /local/dps:
    Unregistering /local/dps from DSCC on localhost.
    Connecting to /local/dps
    Disabling DSCC access to /local/dps

    For details, see the dsccreg(1M) man page.

  3. (Optional) If you previously enabled the server instance in a service management solution, then disable the server from being managed as a service.

    Operating System 


    Solaris 10 

    dpadm disable-service --type SMF instance-path

    Solaris 9 

    dpadm autostart --off instance-path

    Linux, HP-UX 

    dpadm autostart --off instance-path


    dpadm disable-service --type WIN_SERVICE instance-path

  4. Delete the instance.

    $ dpadm delete instance-path

Configuring Directory Proxy Server Instances

This section describes how to configure an instance of Directory Proxy Server. The procedures in this section use the dpadm and dpconf commands. For information about these commands, see the dpadm(1M) and dpconf(1M) man pages.

ProcedureTo Display the Configuration of Directory Proxy Server Instance

  1. Type dpconf info

    $ dpconf info
    Instance Path           :  instance path
    Host Name               :  host
    Secure listen address   :  IP address
    Port                    :  port
    Secure port             :  secure port
    SSL server certificate  :  defaultServerCert
    Directory Proxy Server needs to be restarted.

    dpconf info displays Secure listen address and Non-secure listen address only if these properties are set to non-default values. The above output does not display Non-secure listen address, as this property is not set to a non-default value.

    dpconf info also reminds the user to restart the instance if it needs to be restarted.

    You can also use dpadm info to display Directory Proxy Server instance configuration information.

ProcedureTo Modify the Configuration of Directory Proxy Server

This section describes how to modify the configuration of Directory Proxy Server.

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. Find the current configuration of Directory Proxy Server.

    $ dpconf get-server-prop -h host -p port

    allow-cert-based-auth                : allow
    allow-ldapv2-clients                             : true
    allow-persistent-searches                        : false
    allow-sasl-external-authentication               : true
    allow-unauthenticated-operations                 : true
    allowed-ldap-controls                            : -
    cert-data-view-routing-custom-list               : none
    cert-data-view-routing-policy                    : all-routable
    cert-search-attr-mappings                        : none
    cert-search-base-dn                              : none
    cert-search-bind-dn                              : none
    cert-search-bind-pwd                             : none
    cert-search-user-attr                            : userCertificate
    configuration-manager-bind-dn                    : cn=proxy manager
    configuration-manager-bind-pwd                   : {3DES}RPdIFbvoWdvhLR8lU43zCMZyKFGPxfFg
    connection-pool-wait-timeout                     : 3s
    data-source-read-timeout                         : 20s
    data-view-automatic-routing-mode                 : automatic
    email-alerts-enabled                             : false
    email-alerts-message-from-address                : local
    email-alerts-message-subject                     : Proxy Server Administrative Alert
    email-alerts-message-subject-includes-alert-code : false
    email-alerts-message-to-address                  : root@localhost
    email-alerts-smtp-host                           : localhost
    email-alerts-smtp-port                           : smtp
    enable-remote-user-mapping                       : false
    enable-user-mapping                              : false
    enabled-admin-alerts                             : none
    enabled-ssl-cipher-suites                        : JRE
    enabled-ssl-protocols                            : SSLv3
    enabled-ssl-protocols                            : TLSv1
    encrypt-configuration                            : true
    extension-jar-file-url                           : none
    is-restart-required                              : false
    number-of-search-threads                         : 20
    number-of-worker-threads                         : 50
    proxied-auth-check-timeout                       : 30m
    remote-user-mapping-bind-dn-attr                 : none
    scriptable-alerts-command                        : echo
    scriptable-alerts-enabled                        : false
    search-mode                                      : parallel
    search-wait-timeout                              : 10s
    ssl-client-cert-alias                            : none
    ssl-server-cert-alias                            : defaultServerCert
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DHE_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DHE_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_40_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_40_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_WITH_DES_CBC_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_KRB5_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
    supported-ssl-cipher-suites                      : TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
    supported-ssl-protocols                          : SSLv2Hello
    supported-ssl-protocols                          : SSLv3
    supported-ssl-protocols                          : TLSv1
    syslog-alerts-enabled                            : false
    syslog-alerts-facility                           : USER
    syslog-alerts-host                               : localhost
    use-cert-subject-as-bind-dn                      : true
    use-external-schema                              : false
    user-mapping-anonymous-bind-dn                   : none
    user-mapping-anonymous-bind-pwd                  : none
    user-mapping-default-bind-dn                     : none
    user-mapping-default-bind-pwd                    : none
    verify-certs                                     : false

    Alternatively, view the current setting of one or more configuration properties.

    $ dpconf get-server-prop -h host -p port property-name ...

    For example, find whether unauthenticated operations are allowed by running this command:

    $ dpconf get-server-prop -h host -p port allow-unauthenticated-operations
    allow-unauthenticated-operations  :  true
  2. Change one or more of the configuration parameters.

    $ dpconf set-server-prop -h host -p port property:value ...

    For example, disallow unauthenticated operations by running this command:

    $ dpconf set-server-prop -h host -p port allow-unauthenticated-operations:false

    If you attempt to perform an illegal change, the change is not made. For example, if you set the allow-unauthenticated-operations parameter to f instead of false, the following error is produced:

    $ dpconf set-server-prop -h host -p port allow-unauthenticated-operations:f
    The value "f" is not a valid value for the property "allow-unauthenticated-operations".
    Allowed property values: BOOLEAN
    The "set-server-prop" operation failed.
  3. If necessary, restart the instance of Directory Proxy Server for the changes to take effect.

    For information about restarting Directory Proxy Server, see To Restart Directory Proxy Server.

Configuring the Proxy Manager

The Proxy Manager is the privileged administrator, comparable to the root user on UNIX® systems. The Proxy Manager entry is defined when an instance of Directory Proxy Server is created. The default DN of the Proxy Manager is cn=Proxy Manager.

You can view and change the Proxy Manager DN and password, as shown in the following procedure.

ProcedureTo Configure the Proxy Manager

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. Find the configuration of the Proxy Manager.

    $ dpconf get-server-prop -h host -p port configuration-manager-bind-dn configuration-manager-bind-pwd
    configuration-manager-bind-dn   :  cn=proxy manager
    configuration-manager-bind-pwd  :  {3DES}U77v39WX8MDpcWVrueetB0lfJlBc6/5n

    The default value for the Proxy Manager is cn=proxy manager. A hashed value is returned for the configuration manager password.

  2. Change the DN of the Proxy Manager.

    $ dpconf set-server-prop -h host -p port configuration-manager-bind-dn:bindDN
  3. Create a file that contains the password for the Proxy Manager and set the property that points to that file.

    $ dpconf set-server-prop -h host -p port configuration-manager-bind-pwd-file:filename

Configuration Changes Requiring Server Restart

Most configuration changes to Directory Proxy Server and its entities can be made online. Certain changes require that the server be restarted before the changes take effect. If you make configuration changes to any properties in the following list, the server must be restarted:


The rws and rwd keywords of a property indicate whether changes to the property require the server to be restarted.

To determine whether a change to a property requires the server to be restarted, run the following command:

$ dpconf help-properties | grep property-name

For example, to determine whether changing the bind DN of an LDAP data source requires the server to be restarted, run the following command:

$ dpconf help-properties | grep bind-dn
connection-handler   	bind-dn-filters        rwd  STRING | any
This property specifies a set of regular expressions. The bind DN 
of a client must match at least one regular expression in order for 
the connection to be accepted by the connection handler. (Default: any)
ldap-data-source      bind-dn               rws  DN | ""
This property specifies the DN to use when binding to the LDAP data 
source. (Default: undefined)

To determine whether the server must be restarted following a configuration change, run the following command:

$ dpconf get-server-prop -h host -p port is-restart-required

Backing Up and Restoring Directory Proxy Server Instances

When you use dpadm to back up Directory Proxy Server, the configuration files and server certificates are backed up. If you have implemented Directory Proxy Server virtual ACIs, the ACIs are also backed up.

Directory Proxy Server automatically backs up the conf.ldif file whenever the server starts successfully.

ProcedureTo Back Up a Directory Proxy Server Instance

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. Stop the instance of Directory Proxy Server.

    $ dpadm stop instance-path
  2. Back up the instance of Directory Proxy Server.

    $ dpadm backup instance-path archive-dir

    The archive-dir directory is created by the backup command and must not exist before you run the command. This directory contains a backup of each of the configuration files and the certificates.

ProcedureTo Restore a Directory Proxy Server Instance

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

You must create a Directory Proxy Server instance before starting the restore operation.

  1. Stop the instance of Directory Proxy Server.

    $ dpadm stop instance-path
  2. Restore the instance of Directory Proxy Server.

    $ dpadm restore instance-path archive-dir
    • If the instance path exists, the restore operation is performed silently. The configuration files and the certificates in the archive-dir directory replace those in the instance-path directory.

    • If the instance path does not exist, the restore operation fails.