Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 Release Notes

Installation Instructions

This section describes how to install the Directory Proxy Server 6.3.1 update 1.

ProcedureTo Install the Patch on Both Zip and Native Package Installations of Directory Proxy Server 6.3.1

Before You Begin

Note –

Back up the Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation directory before applying the Directory Proxy Server 6.3.1 update 1 patch, because you cannot restore an earlier Directory Proxy Server configuration later. This advice applies to both Zip and Native Packages installations.

  1. Download Patch 141958-01 from Sunsolve to a downloaded-patch-path directory.

  2. Stop the Directory Proxy Server instances associated with the installation that you intend to patch.

  3. On Windows systems, open a Command Prompt window. On UNIX systems, open a terminal window.

  4. Change the current directory to the directory with installation software for the platform and distribution (zip or native) that you want to update:

    The following example shows a typical command for this purpose:

    $ cd downloaded-patch-path/SunOS_x64/zip/delivery

    The following table shows the locations of installation software under the downloaded-patch-path directory.

    Operating System 

    Directory Containing the Zip Delivery 

    Directory Containing the Native Package Delivery 

    Solaris SPARC 



    Solaris 9 x86 



    Solaris 10 x86 and AMD x64 



    Red Hat Linux 



    SuSE Linux 









  5. On UNIX systems, launch the installation script.

    Run the following command:

    $ Install dsee631-install-path

    where dsee631-install-path is the path to the directory where Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 is installed.

    The following messages appear:

    Make sure all the DPS instances associated with the Directory Proxy Server
    installation being patched are shutdown prior to apply the Directory Proxy
    Server 6.3.1 Update 1 Patch
    Do you want to proceed with the installation (y/Y to proceed, n/N to abort) [n] ?

    Enter y for yes. The installation program applies the patch on the Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 installation that you specified.

  6. On Windows installations, run the following command in the Command Prompt window:


    A wizard opens and requests that you browse and select the correct installation path for installing the Directory Proxy Server 6.3.1 update 1 patch. To patch a 6.3.1 ZIP installation, select the directory where you installed Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1. To patch a Native Package installation, select C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE.

    The wizard applies the patch on Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1.

  7. Confirm that the installation is successful by running these two commands and verifying that the response is the same as shown here:

    $ dpadm -V
    dpadm               :              B2009.1106.0156 ZIP
    Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Sun-Java(tm)-System-Directory-Proxy-Server/ B2009.1106.0259
    $ dpconf -V
    clip.jar        : 6.3.1    B2008.1121.0155
    dpcfg.jar       :  B2009.1106.0155
    dpcfgcli.jar    :  B2009.1106.0155
    common.jar      : 6.3.1    B2008.1121.0155
    common_cfg.jar  : 6.3.1    B2008.1121.0155
  8. This step is required if the Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 that you are patching includes hot fix for CR 6722222.

    If the hot fix for CR 6722222 (Map bindDN when binding to a LDAP server (using DN mapping rule of the DV of the bindDN)) has been applied, run the following command in all the instances for every connection handler:

    $ dpconf set-connection-handler-prop -p port -h host connection handler \

    This property is a flag that indicates that it is not always required to use incoming client identity at binding to a remote LDAP server. After CR 6722222 is applied, the default behavior can now be configured with a connection handler property, as shown in the example.

  9. Restart all proxy server instances.