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Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition Bundle Patch Release Notes
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Document Information


1.  Compatibility Issues

2.  Installation Notes

3.  Directory Server Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

4.  Directory Proxy Server Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

5.  Identity Synchronization for Windows Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

Identity Synchronization for Windows Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

6.  Directory Editor Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

7.  Directory Server Resource Kit Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

Identity Synchronization for Windows Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1 is the latest Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 version that delivers bug fixes. For more information read Installation Instructions for Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Service Pack 1.

This section lists known problems and limitations exposed in Identity Synchronization for Windows product after the release of Directory Server Enterprise Edition Bundle Patch


Groups and members of group must reside at the same level in the DIT to be synchronized properly. Also, groups cannot have more than 1001 members.


If debug logs for ISW connectors are activated, connectors fail to reach synchronization step.


If the Solaris operating system is rebooted by the shutdown -i6 -g0 -y command, the stop method for Identity Synchronization for Windows is not called, and the pid in the pid.txt file is not cleared. As a result, sometimes Identity Synchronization for Windows can fail to start automatically after rebooting the operating system.

To work around this limitation, create a hard link from /etc/rc2.d/K41isw to /etc/rc0.d/K41isw.

$ ln /etc/rc2.d/K41isw /etc/rc0.d/K41isw