Sun Cluster Data Service for Sun Java System HADB Guide for Solaris OS

How to Create a Sun Java System HADB Database

Use the example in the following procedure to create, start, and verify the database.

  1. Create the database. This command automatically starts the database.

    # hadbm create \
    -H clusternode1-priv,clusternode2-priv,clusternode3-priv,clusternode4-priv, \
    clusternode5-priv,clusternode6-priv --devicesize=2048 \
    -a 4 --set ManagementProtocol=rsh --dbpassword=secret12 \
    -s 2 hadb

    For details, see Sun Java System Application Server 7 Administrator's Guide.

    Note –

    You must specify the hosts by using the Sun Cluster private interconnect hostnames. To find these hostnames, run the scconf -p | less command from the primary Sun Cluster node.

    Note –

    If you are using the recommended SSH setup, you do not need to specify the ManagementProtocol property.

  2. Verify that the database is running.

    # hadbm status hadb --nodes
  3. Stop the database.

    # hadbm stop hadb
  4. Create session store and JDBC connection pool. For details, see Sun Java System Application Server 7 Administrator's Guide.