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Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 Release Notes 

List of Known Issues

Installation Notes
Miscellaneous Installation Issues
Installation log messages are not always valid (no specific ID)
Mentions of “Sun ONE” in data services should be “Sun Java System” (no specific ID)
Auto-selection of components in component selection panel confusing (#4957873)
Erroneous ‘upgrades required’ appears during multi-session installation (#5041865)
Installation Guide button on last panel not working (#5041686)
Password exposed during CD installation (#5020621)
Selected component notation inconsistent from panel to panel (#5033467)
Identity Server values required for Portal Server installation (#5032211)
Clicking ‘stop’ button on progress panel does not stop installer (#4993883)
Installer detects partial JDK 1.4.1_06 installation but does not correct it (#4935666)
Installer does not detect partially installed component product packages (#4918824)
Disk Space Check for Solaris packages checks wrong file system (#4747235)
Installer ‘welcome page’ launches without Next button (#4922208)
Directory Server and Administration Server configuration fail with insufficient disk space (#4932843)
Failed component product installation message is misleading (#4929897)
SUNWj3dmx package not upgraded by the installer (#4944839)
Parallel installation of Application Server and Identity Server partially fails (#4946125)
Cannot upgrade version of JDK in non-default directory (#4946938)
Application Server Installation
Installer hangs if admin protocol is HTTPS (#5043333)
If a port which is already in use is chosen installation fails (#4922417)
Installer does not detect bundled packages (#4928796)
Application Server Configuration
Installer does not recognize host name user enters in configuration panel (#4931514)
Calendar Server Installation
‘Calendar Not Available’ error generated by Universal Web Client (#5013230)
Directory Server Installation
Cannot use non default values for system user and group and port number (#5018977)
*.ldif files missing after installation of Administration Server (#4984359)
Identity Server Installation
amadmin CLI and configuration scripts expect UNIX utilities in PATH (#5035811)
Portal Server on third-party web container cannot co-exist with Identity Server on same host (#5038433)
Web application failed to deploy if Application Server admin protocol is HTTPS (#5043294)
After Directory Server configuration fails, user cannot proceed with uninstall (#5045555)
Protocol cannot be entered for an existing console (#5045612)
Installer does not use values for an existing console (#5045635)
Installation fails due to non-existent Web Server user and group (#5045680)
SUNWentsysl10n-uninstall package needs to be updated in subsequent install sessions (#5046366)
Existing console install fails because is.state file is missing passwords (#5046393)
Console only install configuration fails (#5047119)
User cannot install Identity Server console without Directory Server (#5047710)
Instance creation on Web Server throws exception (#5048518)
User cannot upgrade Identity Server to Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 (#5041968)
Upgrade process hangs if Directory Server is running in SSL mode (#5042222)
Upgrade log contains alarming package not found message (#5042224)
pre61to62upgrade script does not handle DB based logging correctly (#5042233)
pre61to62upgrade script removes custom class JARs from server.xml file (#5042536)
If Application Server is not running, upgrade of Identity Server fails (#5048259)
Installing the first instance of Identity Server (no issue ID)
Installing Identity Server 2004Q2 With SSL Enabled Directory Server (no Issue ID)
Single Quote Not Allowed in Passwords and Root Suffix (no issue ID)
Installation of Identity Server fails if Directory Server 5.1 sp2 implements the Reset Password (#4992507)
Special characters not allowed in password for Identity Server: no warning given (#5022925)
Cannot access one Identity Sever administration console when two point to Directory Server (#4959541)
Installation over an existing DIT creates security hole (#5013453)
During remote SDK installation, protocol host name and port are not requested (#5013600)
Using non-root runtime user causes Identity Server to fail (#4928865)
Running Web Server instance as nobody/nobody causes Identity Server to fail to deploy on Web Server (#4933712)
Message Queue Installation
Messaging Server Installation
Cannot share a single Messaging Server configuration between multiple nodes in an HA environment (#5015614)
Problem installing Messaging Server and Directory Server on different machines
Cannot access Messaging Server in High Availability environment (#4946314)
Using Messaging Server (and Directory Server) with Schema 2 support (#4916028)
Portal Server Installation
Reconfigure to run Portal Server as non-root user after applying a patch (#508029 and 508033)
Gateway redirection not happening in any multi-session installation (#4971011)
Minimal mode installation for IBM WebSphere does not work (#4946769)
Portal Server Upgrade Issues
Portal SRA Issues
Portal Server Mobile Access Upgrade Files are Updated (no issue ID)
Portal Server Mobile Access Upgrade Not Supported on Application Server (#5047334)
Calendar links not accessible via Portal SRA (#4929710)
Installing Portal Gateway with unnecessary components
Web Server Installation
Web Server installation fails if the Web Server install directory is not empty (populated with files from a previously installed version)
Instant Messaging links do not appear on Web Server home page (#4950828)
Web Server Configuration
Error message on admin console displays after user login (#4756206)
Sun Cluster Installation
Sun Cluster Data Services for previous versions Directory Server (no issue ID)
Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle Parallel Server/Real Application Clusters not installed from Sun Cluster 3.1 CD (no issue ID)
Installer does not recognize uninstallation by scinstall -r (#4915796)
The SunPlex Manager install module is not supported (#4928710)
High Availability Web Server does not start on all nodes after a reboot (#4935318)
Installer does not allow for additional Sun Cluster agents to be installed if one exists on system (no issue ID)
Net Connect Installation
Tracking of Calendar Server fails post-installation and configuration (#4997694)
Localization Issues
Must use root/root when installing Web Server in Korean locale (#5053554)
Application Server locale entry of server.xml is always in en_US (#4855688)
Bad layout in “Custom Configuration” window for all UTF-8 locales (#5026804)
Empty dialog displayed after installation finishes (#5038639)
Installer Summary Panel sometimes blank (#5043169)
Identity Server installation fails in non-English locales (#5011497)
Some localized messages are wrapped at the wrong position in the text-based installer (#4938764)
Directory Server console displays broken multibyte root suffix name (#4929282)

Uninstallation Issues
Download distribution uninstaller only uninstalls last component product that was installed (#5047760)
Uninstallation of Portal Server and Identity Server fails in single session (#5044436)
Running a “clean-up” script after failed installation (no issue ID)
Uninstalling Sun Cluster Console causes locale packages to be removed (#4994462)

Known Issues: Linux
savestate file is exposed (#5062553)
Installer hangs when progress dialog appears (#5039744)
Application Server command asadmin missing in “Configure Later” installation mode (#5062433)
Unable to install SRA gateway after Portal Server and Application have been installed (#5059771)
Uninstaller RPM not always installed during installation (#5060658)
Installation error for Message Queue (#5060892)
Application Server configuration fails with non-default configuration directory (#5057278)
Message Queue’s C-API usage of NSPR and NSS on Linux (no issue ID)
Portal Server multiserverinstance script not working (#5056218)
Last panel of installer displays java exception errors after successful installation (#5052226/#5041569)
Insufficient window width in interface for some locales (#4949379)
Using non-root runtime user causes Identity Server to fail (#4928865)
Netlet and Proxylet appear in English for all locales (#5031306)
Cannot install subset of Identity Server stack console using text-based installer (#5047710)
Installer offers no unprompted indication regarding existing components (#4957879)
Directory Server and Administration Server continue to run after user exits installer (#5010533)
Installer hangs if Application Server’s administration server uses HTTPS (#5043333)
Installer does not flag component configuration failures (#5045669)
Download distribution uninstaller only uninstalls last component product that was installed (#5047760)
Component selection panel truncated (#5051888)
Installer takes 3 to 4 minutes to display welcome screen (#5051946)
Directory Server configuration fails if /usr/bin/perl doesn't exist (#5052944)
Graphical installer asks for unnecessary Identity Server installation information (#5050775/#5032211)
Installation Guide button on last panel not working (#5041686)
Graphical installer summary panel sometimes empty for ja and ko locales (#5043169)
Executing the ps -ef command during installation exposes admin password (#5048374)
Identity Server login redirects to port 81 even if identity Server is listening on port 80 (#5048899)
Installer automatically upgrades JDK without warning (#5049320)
Uninstallation of Portal Server and Identity Server fails in single session (#5044436)
Directory Manager password appears in uninstaller output (#5046805)
Redeployment of Portal Server fails during installation of SRA components (#5051063)
English version of Uninstaller runs for all locales (#5045689)
Electronic registration dialog box hangs at end of installation (#5052770)
Portal Server SRA dependencies not flagged by installer (#5055412)

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