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Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2004Q2 Schema Reference

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z




reactivate  1

remove  1

suspend  1

access filter

user  1, 2

access rights, public folder  1

account ID, billing  1

adminRole, attribute  1

aliasedObjectName, attribute  1, 2

allowed broadcaster  1

determining policy  1

allowed disk space  1

attachment quota  1

attribute syntax  1


definitions  1

list of  1

audience  1

authentication  1

automatic response  1

duration  1

internal  1

autoreply  1, 2

duration  1

internal  1


billable user  1

billing, account ID  1

birthday attribute  1

businessCategory, attribute  1


calCalURI, attribute  1

calendar  1

busy time data  1

default URI  1

calendar groups  1

calFBURL, attribute  1

catchall address  1

challenge phrase  1

response to  1

cn, attribute  1

co, attribute  1

commonName, attribute  1

Communications Services

documentation  1

countryName, attribute  1


daemon_list  1

dataSource, attribute  1

dateOfBirth, attribute  1

dc (domain component)

domain component node  1

dc (domain component), attribute  1

delivery paths  1

deny filter  1, 2

description, attribute  1

distinguished name (DN)  1

administrator’s group  1

billable user  1

family account  1

forming, in PAB entries  1

mailing list  1

distribution list

describing  1

document conventions  1


where to find Communications Services documentation  1

where to find Messaging Server documentation  1


primary  1

vanity  1

domain access

reactivate  1

remove  1

suspend  1

domain alias entry  1

domain component  1

domain component  1

domain name

multiple DC nodes  1

domain name (DN)

overriding  1, 2

domain suborganizations  1

domain, object class  1

domains, hosted  1

domainUIDSeparator, attribute  1, 2

domOrgMaxUsers, attribute  1, 2

domOrgNumUsers, attribute  1, 2

duplicate deliveries  1


echo  1

error message  1


facsimileTelephoneNumber, attribute  1

family group

manager  1


local path  1


access  1, 2

deny  1, 2

forwarded to

moderator  1


givenName, attribute  1


within organization  1

group membership

restrictions  1

visibility  1

groupOfUniqueNames, object class  1

groups, calendar  1


hosted domains  1


icsAdministrator, object class  1

icsAdminRole, attribute  1

icsAlias, attribute  1

icsAllowedServiceAccess, attribute  1

icsAllowRights, attribute  1

icsAnonymousAllowWrite, attribute  1

icsAnonymousCalendar, attribute  1

icsAnonymousDefaultSet, attribute  1

icsAnonymousLogin, attribute  1

icsAnonymousSet, attribute  1

icsCalendar, attribute  1

icsCalendarDomain, object class  1

icsCalendarDWPHost, object class  1

icsCalendarGroup object class  1

icsCalendarOwned, attribute  1

icsCalendarResource, object class  1

icsCalendarUser, object class  1

icsCapacity, attribute  1

icsContact, attribute  1

icsDefaultAccess, attribute  1

icsDefaultSet, attribute  1

icsDomainAllowed, attribute  1

icsDomainNames, attribute  1

icsDomainNotAllowed, attribute  1

icsDWPBackEndHosts, attribute  1

icsDWPHost, attribute  1

icsExtended, attribute  1

icsExtendedDomainPrefs, attribute  1

icsExtendedGroupPrefs, attribute  1

icsExtendedResourcePrefs, attribute  1

icsExtendedUserPrefs, attribute  1

icsFirstDay, attribute  1

icsFreeBusy, attribute  1

icsGeo, attribute  1

icsMandatorySubscribed, attribute  1

icsMandatoryView, attribute  1

icsPartition, attribute  1

icsPreferredHost, attribute  1

icsQuota, attribute  1

icsRecurrenceBound, attribute  1

icsRecurrenceDate, attribute  1

icsRegularExpressions, attribute  1

icsSessionTimeout, attribute  1

icsSet, attribute  1

icsSourceHtml, attribute  1

icsStatus, attribute  1

icsSubscribed, attribute  1

icsTimezone, attribute  1

inetAdmin, object class  1

inetCanonicalDomainName, attribute  1

inetCOS (class of service), attribute

COS definitions  1

inetDomain, object class  1

inetDomainAlias, object class  1

inetDomainAuthInfo, object class  1

inetDomainBaseDN, attribute  1

inetDomainCertMap  1

inetDomainCertMap, attribute  1

inetDomainOrg, object class  1

inetDomainSearchFilter, attribute  1

inetDomainStatus, attribute  1

inetLocalMailRecipient, object class  1

inetMailAdministrator, object class  1


connection with mgrpDisallowedDomain  1

inetMailGroup, object class  1

inetMailGroupManagement, object class  1

inetMailGroupStatus, attribute  1

inetMailUser, object class  1

inetManagedGroup, object class  1

inetOrgPerson, object class  1

inetResource, object class  1

inetResourceStatus, attribute  1

inetSubscriber, object class  1

inetSubscriberAccountId  1

inetSubscriberAccountId, attribute  1

inetSubscriberChallenge, attribute  1

inetSubscriberResponse, attribute  1

inetUser, object class  1

inetUserHttpURL, attribute  1

inetUserStatus, attribute  1

ipUser, object class  1



preferred by user  1

LDAP overview  1

list of attributes  1

list of object classes

object classes

list of  1, 2, 3

local path  1


preferred by user  1

login sequence, replaying  1

login string, reconstructing  1


mail group

message size received  1

mail group membership

alternative specification method  1

restrictions  1

visibility  1

mail group, allowed incoming mail

by domain  1

by user  1

mail group, disallowed incoming mail

by domain  1

by user  1

mail quota

managed group  1

user  1

mail, attribute  1

mailAccessProxyPreAuth, attribute  1

mailAccessProxyReplay, attribute  1

mailAdminRole, attribute  1


connection with mailDomainStatus  1

mailAllowedServiceAccess, attribute  1

mailAlternateAddress, attribute  1

mailAntiUBEService, attribute  1

mailAutoReplyMode, attribute

autoreply  1

mailAutoReplySubject, attribute  1


connection to mailAutoReplyMode  1

mailAutoReplyText, attribute  1

mailAutoReplyTextInternal, attribute  1

mailAutoReplyTimeOut, attribute  1

mailClientAttachmentQuota  1

mailClientAttachmentQuota, attribute  1

mailConversionTag, attribute  1

mailDeferProcessing, attribute  1

mailDeliveryFileURL, attribute  1

mailDeliveryOption  1

mailDeliveryOption=forward  1

mailDeliveryOption=program  1

mailDeliveryOption, attribute

mailDeliveryOption=file  1

mailDomain, object class  1


connection with mailDomainStatus  1

mailDomainAllowedServiceAccess, attribute  1

mailDomainMsgMaxBlocks, attribute  1

mailDomainMsgQuota  1

mailDomainMsgQuota, attribute  1

mailDomainStatus, attribute  1

mailDomainWelcomeMessage, attribute  1

mailEquivalentAddress, attribute  1

mailFolderName, attribute  1

mailForwardingAddress, attribute  1


setting up  1

mailHost, attribute  1

mailing lists

allowed membership  1

denied membership  1

group appearance on  1


setting up  1, 2

mailMessageStore, attribute  1

mailMsgMaxBlocks, attribute  1

mailMsgQuota, attribute  1

mailProgramDeliveryInfo, attribute  1

mailPublicFolderDefaultRights, attribute  1

mailQuota  1

mailQuota, attribute  1

mailRejectText, attribute  1

mailRoutingAddress, attribute  1

mailRoutingHosts, attribute  1

mailRoutingSmartHost, attribute  1

mailSieveRuleSource, attribute  1

mailSMTPSubmitChannel, attribute  1

mailto syntax  1

mailUserStatus, attribute  1

managed group

billable user  1

cumulative disk quota  1

current status  1

maximum users  1

number of users  1

maximum message size allowed

to a group  1

maximum messages allowed

user  1

maximum pab entries allowed

user  1

maximum size message  1

maximum users allowed

domain  1, 2

managed group  1

maxPabEntries, attribute  1

memberOf, attribute  1

memberOfManagedGroup, attribute  1

memberOfPAB, attribute  1

memberOfPABGroup, attribute  1

memberURL, attribute  1

message delivery, guaranteeing  1

message filtering, Sieve rules  1

message quota  1

message size

to mailGroup  1

message store

partition name  1

Messaging Server

documentation  1

mgmanAllowSubscribe, attribute  1

mgmanDenySubscribe, attribute  1

mgmanGoodbyeText, attribute  1

mgmanHidden, attribute  1

mgmanIntroText, attribute  1

mgmanJoinability, attribute  1

mgmanMemberVisibility, attribute  1

mgmanVisibility, attribute  1

mgrpAddHeader, attribute  1

mgrpAllowedBroadcaster, attribute  1

mgrpAllowedDomain, attribute  1

mgrpAuthPassword, attribute  1

mgrpBroadcasterPolicy, attribute  1

mgrpDeliverTo, attribute  1

mgrpDisallowedBroadcaster, attribute  1

mgrpDisallowedDomain, attribute  1

mgrpErrorsTo, attribute  1

mgrpModerator, attribute  1

mgrpMsgMaxSize, attribute  1

mgrpMsgPrefixText, attribute  1

mgrpMsgRejectAction, attribute  1

mgrpMsgRejectText, attribute  1

mgrpMsgSuffixText, attribute  1

mgrpNoDuplicateCheck, attribute  1

mgrpRemoveHeader, attribute  1

mgrpRFC822MailMember, attribute  1

mnggrpAdditionPolicy, attribute  1

mnggrpBillableUser, attribute  1

mnggrpCurrentUsers, attribute  1

mnggrpDeletionPolicy, attribute  1

mnggrpMailQuota, attribute  1

mnggrpMaxUsers, attribute  1

mnggrpStatus, attribute  1

mnggrpUserClassOfServices, attribute  1


messages forwarded to  1

msgVanityDomain, attribute  1

msgVanityDomainUser, object class  1


host name, final destination  1

host name, user’s domain  1

multiLineDescription, attribute  1


nickName, attribute  1

nsdaCapability, attribute  1

nsdaDomain, attribute  1

nsdaModifiableBy, attribute  1

nsDefaultMaxDeptSize, attribute  1

nsManagedDept, object class  1

nsManagedDeptAdminGroup, object class  1

nsManagedDomain, object class  1

nsManagedFamilyGroup, object class  1

nsManagedISP, object class  1

nsManagedMailList, object class  1

nsManagedOrgUnit, object class  1

nsManagedPerson, object class  1

nsMaxDepts, attribute  1

nsMaxDomains, attribute  1

nsMaxMailingLists, attribute  1

nsMaxUsers, attribute  1

nsNumDepts, attribute  1

nsNumDomains, attribute  1

nsNumMailLists, attribute  1

nsNumUsers, attribute  1

nsSearchFilter, attribute  1

nsUniquenessDomain, object class  1

nswcalDisallowAccess, attribute  1

nswmExtendedUserPrefs, attribute  1


o, attribute  1

object classes

definitions  1

object identifiers  1

objectClass, attribute  1

OIDs  1

organization subtree  1

organization, object class  1

organizationalUnit, object class  1

organizationName, attribute  1

organizationUnitName  1

organizationUnitName, attribute  1

ou (organizationUnitName), attribute  1

owner, attribute  1


pab, object class  1

pabGroup, object class  1

pabPerson, object class  1

pabURI, attribute  1

personal address book (pab)

container  1

maximum entries  1

unique name (un) of pab  1

unique name (un) of personal group(s)  1

postalAddress, attribute  1

preauthentication  1

preferredLanguage, attribute  1

preferredLocale, attribute  1

preferredMailHost, attribute  1

preferredMailMessageStore, attribute  1, 2

privileges, administrative  1

Program approval process  1

program delivery  1

proxy authentication  1

public folder access rights  1


quota  1

mailClientAttachmentQuota  1

mailDomainMsgQuota  1

mailMsgQuota  1

mnggrpMailQuota  1

quota reporting tools

mailDomainMsgQuota  1


hard  1

soft  1


references, resolved  1

RFC 1959  1

RFC 2256  1

RFC 2739  1

RFC 2798  1

RFC 822  1, 2, 3

mgrpRFC822MailMember  1

RFC1959  1

RFC822  1

alternate email address  1


to manage other groups  1


seeAlso, attribute  1

service- specific object classes  1, 2

service_list  1

shared classes  1, 2

sieve rule  1

Sieve rules, message filters  1

size limit on MTA blocks units  1

sn, attribute  1

standard time zones  1


internet domain  1

internet mail group  1

internet user  1

mail domain  1

mail user  1

managed group  1

status attributes

interaction between  1, 2, 3

subject text  1

suborganizations  1

subscriber  1

subtree  1

sunKeyValue, attribute  1

sunManagedOrganization, object class  1, 2

sunNameSpace, object class  1

sunNameSpaceUniqueAttrs, attribute  1

sunServiceComponent, object class  1

sunServiceId, attribute  1

sunSmsPriority, attribute  1

sunXmlKeyValue, attribute  1

syntax, attributes  1


tag, program  1

telephoneNumber, attribute  1

time zones, list of valid  1


uid, attribute  1

un, attribute  1

unique name (un)

personal address book  1

personal group  1

uniqueMember, attribute  1

user  1, 2

user identification, compound  1, 2, 3

user rules  1

userid, attribute  1

userPassword, attribute  1

userPresenceProfile, object class  1, 2


vacationEndDate, attribute  1

vacationStartDate, attribute  1

vanity domain

creating  1


Web content

publishing  1

white-pages lookup applications  1

who should read  1

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