Sun Cluster 系统管理指南(适用于 Solaris OS)

SPARC: 示例 — 重新引导群集

以下示例显示在停止了正常的群集操作,并关闭了所有节点,使其转到 ok 提示下然后再重新引导群集时控制台所输出的内容。 -g 0 选项将宽延期设置为零,而 -y 表示在遇到确认问题时,自动回答 yes。 群集中其它节点的控制台上也显示关闭消息。

# scshutdown -g0 -y
Wed Mar 10 13:47:32 phys-schost-1 cl_runtime: 
WARNING: CMM monitoring disabled.
INIT: New run level: 0
The system is coming down.  Please wait.
The system is down.
syncing file systems... done
Program terminated
ok boot
Rebooting with command: boot 
Hostname: phys-schost-1
Booting as part of a cluster
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-1: attempting to join cluster
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-2 (incarnation # 937690106) has become reachable.
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-3 (incarnation # 937690290) has become reachable.
NOTICE: cluster has reached quorum.
NOTICE: Cluster members: phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2 phys-schost-3.
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-1: joined cluster
The system is coming up.  Please wait.
checking ufs filesystems
reservation program successfully exiting
Print services started.
volume management starting.
The system is ready.
phys-schost-1 console login:
NOTICE: Node phys-schost-1: joined cluster
The system is coming up.  Please wait.
checking ufs filesystems
reservation program successfully exiting
Print services started.
volume management starting.
The system is ready.
phys-schost-1 console login: