Sun Java System Communications Express 6.3 Administration Guide

Enabling or Disabling Access Manager Post Deployment

While configuring Communications Express, you have the option of selecting Identity Support in the Enable Access Manager for Single Sign-on panel.

ProcedureTo Enable Access Manager Post Deployment

If you have not selected Identity Support for Communications Express in the Enable Access Manager for Single Sign-on panel, and you want to enable identity support later, follow these steps:

  1. Install and configure the Access Manager Remote SDK.

  2. Update the Communications Express Web Container Class path with the location of the Access Manager’s remote SDK JAR files.

    For example, add the following lines to the classpathsuffix in the server.xml file for web container.




    In this example, it is assumed that IS Remote SDK is installed in /opt/SUNWam.

    Refer to Setting up Access Manager Single sign-on for parameters that enable Access Manager SSO.

  3. Take a backup of the existing web.xml file from uwc-deploydir/ SUNWuwc/WEB-INF/web.xml.

    Copy the web_IS.xml file from uwc-basedir/SUNWuwc/lib/config-templates/WEB-INF to uwc-deploydir/SUNWuwc/WEB-INF/.

    Caution – Caution –

    Remember to merge any additional configuration data you have included in the backed up web.xml file to web_IS.xml.

  4. Rename web_IS.xml to web.xml.

ProcedureTo Disable Access Manager Post Deployment

If you have selected Identity Support for Communications Express in Enable Access Manager for Single Sign-on panel, and you want to disable identity support later, follow these steps:

  1. Set uwcauth.identity.enabled to false in the file to disable Identity SSO.

  2. Take a backup of the existing web.xml file from uwc-deploydir/ SUNWuwc/WEB-INF/web.xml.

  3. Copy the web.xml file from uwc-basedir /SUNWuwc/lib/config-templates/WEB-INF to uwc-deploydir/ SUNWuwc/WEB-INF/.

    Caution – Caution –

    Remember to merge any additional configuration data you have included in the backed up web.xml file to web.xml