Sun Java System Communications Express 6.3 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Enable Log Rotation

  1. Set uwc.log.maxsize in megabytes in file to specify the maximum log file size.

    The value that uwc.log.maxsize takes is an integer. Communications Express will create a new log file when the current file reaches this size. Default value is none, which means that the log file size is unbounded.

  2. Specify a maximum count of files to keep on the file system.

    Set uwc.log.maxfiles in uwclogging.propertiesfile to specify maximum number of log files to retain when rollover is enabled. The default value is 5. The log file names created would be uwc.log.0, uwc.log.1, uwc.log.2, and so on. After all the log files are exhausted, Communications Express over write the previously created log files starting with uwc.log.0.