Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q4 Developer's Guide


This interface allows you to manipulate or change the HTML Body content of calendar data flowing to, or from, the database, or between various data translators. The data translator manipulates the output format (fmt-out) component of a WCAP response.

Calendar Server supports the following MIME-types for translating calendar data:






iCalendar in XML 

A CSAPI Data Translation module registers with the server for a specific MIME-type using the GetSupportedContentType method. The translator can request that the incoming data be provided in any of the supported MIME-types.

When incoming data is in the MIME-type that the module takes as input, the server passes the data to the module’s Translate method. The translator converts the data to its supported MIME-type and passes it back to the server, which proceeds to update the database.