Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Event Notification Service Guide

ProcedureTo compile the JBiff program

  1. Set your CLASSPATH to include the following:

    ens.jar file - ens.jar

    (For Messaging Server, the ens.jar is located in the msg_server_base/java/jars/ directory.)

    Java Message Service - full-path/jms1.0.2/jms.jar

    JavaMail - full-path/javamail-1.2/mail.jar

    Java Activation Framework - full-path/jaf-1.0.1/activation.jar

  2. Change to the msg_server_base/bin/msg/enssdk/java directory.

  3. Run the following command:

    javac com/iplanet/ens/samples/