Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Delegated Administrator Guide


The following options are mandatory:



-D login

The user ID of the user with permission to execute this command. 

-n domain

Domain of the user specified with the -D option.

-w password

Password of the user specified with the -D option.

-u identifier

Resources’ unique identifier. 

This identifier value should be unique within the domain namespace or within all the users and resources the calendar manages in the calendar mode.

-N name

Friendly name used to display the resource in the calendar GUI. 

-o owner

Owner of the resource. This user ID must exist under the domain in which the resource is created. 

-c calendar identifier

Identifier for this resource's calendar. 

The identifier value should be unique throughout all the calendars managed by the Calendar Server 

The following options are non-mandatory:



-A [+ ] attributename:value

An attribute to modify. The attributename is defined in the LDAP schema and value replaces any and all current values for this attribute in the directory. Repeat this option to modify multiple attributes at the same time, or to specify multiple values for the same attribute.

A “+” before the attributename indicates adding the value to the current list of attributes.

-C DWPHost

The DNS name of the back end calendar server which hosts this user's calendars. 

If the DNS name of the backend calendar server is not specified, the value stored in the ics.conf file of the server is used as the default value. 

-d domain name

Domain of the resource. If -d is not specified, the domain specified by -n is used.

-h, -?

Prints command usage syntax. 

-i inputfile

Reads the command information from a file instead of the command line. 

-p AM port

Specifies an alternate TCP port where the Access Manager is listening. If not specified, the default AM port is used, or Port 80 is used if no default was configured at install time.


Use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to connect to the Access Manager. 

-T time zone

The time zone used to display the resource's calendar in the calendar’s user interface. 

See Calendar Time Zone Strings for a list of the valid time zone strings.


Enable debugging output. 


Prints information about the utility and its version. 

-X AM host

Specifies the host on which the Access Manager is running. If not specified, the default AM host is used, or the localhost if no default was configured at install time.