Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Delegated Administrator Guide

commadmin user delete

The commadmin user delete command marks a single user as deleted. To mark multiple users as deleted, use the -i option.

No undelete utility exists. However, you can use the ldapmodify command to change the status attribute of a user entry to active at any time before the purge grace period has expired and a purge is set to run against the entry.

ProcedureTo remove a user

  1. Mark the user as deleted by running the commadmin user delete command.

  2. Remove resources from the user.

    A resource can be a mailbox or a calendar.

    For mail services, the program is called msuserpurge. Refer to the Sun Java System Messaging Server Administration Reference for information about the msuserpurge utility.

    For calendar services, the program is csclean. Refer to the Sun Java System Calendar Server Administration Guide for information about the csclean utility.

  3. Permanently remove the user, by invoking the following command: commadmin domain purge.


commadmin user delete -D login -n domain -l login name -w password [-d domain]
   [-h] [-?] [-i inputfile] [-p AM port] [-s] [-S service] [-v] [-V] [-X AM host]


The following options are mandatory:



-D login

The user ID of the user with the permission to execute this command. 

-n domain

The domain of the user specified with the -D option.

-w password

The password of the user specified with the -D option.

-l userid

The user ID of the user to be deleted. 

The following options are non-mandatory:



-d domain

Domain of the user. If -d is not specified, the domain specified by -n is used.

-h, -?

Prints command usage syntax. 

-i inputfile

Reads the command information from a file instead of the command line. 

-p AM port

Specifies an alternate TCP port where the Access Manager is listening. If not specified, the default AM port is used, or Port 80 is used if no default was configured at install time.


Use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to connect to the Access Manager. 

-S service

Specifies the services to be removed from the user. The user remains active, but only the specified services are deactivated. If -S is not specified, then the user is deleted.

service can have the value of a single service or multiple services. The valid service values are mail and cal. These values are case-insensitive.

The list of services is separated by the comma (,) delimiter. 

For Example: 

-S mail,cal


Enable debugging output. 


Prints information about the utility and its version. 

-X AM host

Specifies the host on which the Access Manager is running. If not specified, the default AM host is used, or the localhost if no default was configured at install time.


To mark an existing user as deleted:

commadmin user delete -D chris -n -w bolton -l smith

To delete the mail services only from user smith:

commadmin user delete -D chris -n -w bolton -l smith -S mail