Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Deployment Planning Guide

Calendar Server Installation Considerations

The installation and configuration of Calendar Server has significantly changed from earlier Calendar Server releases (pre-2003Q4 versions). There is no longer a standalone installer for Calendar Server.

If you do not already have Calendar Server installed, you must use the Sun Java Enterprise System installer to get the 2005Q4 version. With this installer, you can also install other Sun Java System component products and packages. For information about the Java Enterprise System installer, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX.

If you want to upgrade from Calendar Server 6 2003Q4 to Calendar Server 6 2005Q4, the upgrade process is described in “Upgrading from Java Enterprise System 2003Q4” in the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Upgrade Guide.

For information about migrating from older versions of Calendar Server, up through version 5.x, see Chapter 4, Database Migration Utilities, in Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide.

For migrating from versions later than 5.x, contact your Sun support representative.

Which Calendar Server Components to Configure?

When you install Calendar Server software, the Java Enterprise System installer installs all the Calendar Server packages. You then configure the appropriate Calendar Server component on a Calendar host through the Calendar Server configurator program.

The following table shows which components you need to configure for each type of Calendar host.

Table 20–1 Which Calendar Server Components to Configure?

Type of Calendar Host Being Configured  

Needs These Components Selected in the Configurator Program  

Front end 

HTTP service(s) and Administration service 

Back end 

Notification Service, Event Notification Service, Distributed Database Service and Administration Service 

The Distributed Database Service (csdwpd) is required only on back-end servers, that is, a server that has a calendar database, but does not provide user access services (cshttpd). It is not required on front-end servers that do not have a calendar database. The csdwpd service enables you to link front-end and back-end servers within the same Calendar Server configuration to form a distributed calendar store.