SunPCi User's Guide

Using the Copy and Paste Commands

The SunPCi software allows you to copy text between UNIX windows on your workstation and Windows 95/NT. This section explains how to use your workstation keyboard keys to copy and paste.

Note –

Font information is not passed along in Copy and Paste operations. Special characters and fonts may produce unexpected results when copied and pasted between UNIX and Windows. For best results, use plain text.

Copying Text From a UNIX Window To Windows 95/NT

To copy text from a UNIX Window and paste it into Windows 95/NT, perform these steps:

  1. Use the mouse to highlight the text you want to copy, and then press the Copy key.

  2. To paste the text into a Windows document, position the cursor where you want the text to appear and use the standard Windows Paste command, Ctrl+V.

Copying Text From Windows 95/NT To a UNIX Window

To copy text from Windows 95/NT and paste it into a UNIX Window, follow this procedure:

  1. Use the mouse to highlight the text you want to copy, and then use the Standard Windows Copy command, Ctrl+C.

  2. To paste the text into the UNIX window, position the cursor where you want the text to appear, and then press the Paste key.