SunPCi User's Guide

Solaris Online Manual Pages

You may occasionally have questions regarding the Solaris operating system itself. For such information, try using the Solaris online manual pages (also called man pages).

To use Solaris online manual pages, perform the following procedure:

  1. Type the word man, followed by the name of the command in which you are interested, and then press Return.

    For example, to get help on the sunpci command, type the following command and then press Return:

    % man sunpci

The system responds Reformatting page... wait, and then displays a section of the manual page in the command window. To scroll through the manual page, press any key. To exit the manual page, press Control-C.

For information on how to add the SunPCi man page directory to your MANPATH environment variable, refer to your Solaris documentation.