SunPCi User's Guide

Installing the SunPCi Drivers

The setup utility installs the SunPCi drivers. You execute this utility from within Windows 95.

  1. Click the Start button and select Run from the pop-up menu.

    A dialog box is displayed.

  2. Type the following path into the dialog box and click OK:


    The screen responds with the message Setup is preparing the InstallShield Wizard. The InstallShield Wizard window is then displayed, along with a progress bar.

    The Welcome to the SunPCi Setup Program screen is displayed.

    Note –

    Depending on your installation, you may be asked to provide your user name and password for Microsoft Networking. Follow the instructions in Step 1, and then continue with drivers setup.

  3. Click Next to continue.

    The SunPCi Drivers Setup screen appears.

  4. Choose Workstation Monitor if you plan to run SunPCi from your main workstation monitor, or External Monitor if you have connected a VGA monitor to the back of the SunPCi card.

    Click Next. The installation proceeds automatically. When the installation has finished, a dialog box is displayed with the message The installation of the SunPCi drivers has finished. The dialog box asks you to exit all applications and reboot Windows 95.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

  6. Click Start and select Shut Down from the pop-up menu.

    A dialog box is displayed; select Restart the Computer and click Yes.

  7. Once SunPCi reboots, a dialog box is displayed asking you to enter a network password for Microsoft Networking.

    Type your UNIX workstation user name and password and press Return. Confirm your password when the program asks you to.

    Note that after SunPCi reboots, the top of the SunPCi window no longer reads (Mouse Attached)and you will see only one mouse cursor. Now that the drivers are installed, you do not need to attach the mouse.

    Note –

    You need to log on to Microsoft Networking each time Windows 95 starts up. If you do not log on, you will not be able to gain access to your extended (network) drives. Extended drives are the drives you set up using Windows Explorer.