SunPCi User's Guide

Diskette Drive Conflicts

SunPCi software and the Solaris Volume Manager program (vold) tend to conflict with each other for control of the diskette drive. Volume Manager provides automatic mounting services for peripheral devices attached to your system, such as diskette drives.

The conflict arises when Volume Manager support is enabled on your system and you attempt to access a diskette drive through a SunPCi window. In such instances, an error message is displayed and the diskette access fails.

By default, when SunPCi software is installed, Volume Manager support is disabled for diskette drives, and so most users will not encounter a problem. However, it is possible to re-enable Volume Manager on your system, and thus encounter the problem at a later time.

If Volume Manager support for diskette drives has been re-enabled on your system, and you encounter problems accessing diskette drives through SunPCi, try disabling Volume Manager and restarting the SunPCi window. If the problem persists, try disabling Volume Manager and rebooting your system.

To disable the Solaris Volume Manager, perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that SunPCi is not running. Become superuser.

  2. Disable Volume Manager by entering the following command:

    # /opt/SUNWspci/bin/vold_floppy_disable

  3. Exit superuser.

  4. Restart all SunPCi windows.