SunPCi User's Guide

International Keyboard Support

Note –

This section refers to DOS and Windows 95. If you are running Windows NT, skip this section.

DOS uses the file C:\dos\ as its keyboard driver. However, Windows 95 uses the file C:\windows\ This results in the loss of support for international keyboards when you use Windows 95.

The following procedure explains how to modify your autoexec.bat and config.sys files to use the DOS keyboard driver for international support.

For more information on international support, refer to Appendix B, SunPCi International Support.

To restore support for international keyboards, follow this procedure:

  1. In the SunPCi window, click the Start button, and then select Programs and then Accessories from the pop-up menus.

  2. Select Notepad, and then open your C:\autoexec.bat file.

  3. Add the following line to the file:


  4. Save the file and close it.

  5. Open your C:\config.sys file.

    The following line may appear:


    If it does appear, remove the rem (remark) statement and save the file.

    If it does not appear, add the line DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE to the file and then save it.

  6. Exit Notepad.

  7. Click the Start button and then select Shut Down from the pop-up menu.

    The Shut Down Windows dialog box appears.

  8. Select Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode and then click Yes to reboot SunPCi.

    When SunPCi has finished rebooting, the MS-DOS prompt appears in the SunPCi window.

  9. Enter the following commands at the DOS prompt:

    C:\> CD DOS
    C:\> SETVER 7.01
    C:\> win

    This sets the keyboard driver to the proper version and starts Windows 95.

You will need to enter the CD DOS and SETVER commands every time you start SunPCi. You may want to configure your SunPCi system to automatically boot to the DOS prompt each time. Refer to Appendix C, SunPCi Performance Tips for instructions on how to configure your system.