SunPCi User's Guide

Setting Device Code Pages

The following two sections describe two methods for setting a code page for a specific device, including a console screen and a printer.

Setting Screen Code Pages

This example uses two prepared code pages—no hardware code pages are used—to set up the system to support Denmark/Norway and the Multilingual national languages.

To the end of your CONFIG.SYS file, add the following on separate lines:

device=c:\dos\display.sys con:=(ega,,2)
install=c:\dos\nlsfunc.exe c:\dos\country.sys

These CONFIG.SYS commands tell DOS that the EGA's hardware code page is not used, and that you are allocating space for two prepared code pages. Also, they load memory-resident, national support functions.

To the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, add the following exactly as shown (on separate lines):

mode con cp prep=((865,850) c:\dos\ega.cpi) 
keyb dk,,c:\dos\keyboard.sys 
chcp 865 

Note –

If the AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains two lines at the end of the file that invoke AUTOEXEC.BAT files on the E: or H: drive, place the international command lines before these lines.

These AUTOEXEC.BAT commands do the following:

Setting Parallel Printer Code Pages

The second example also uses two prepared code pages. It assumes you have an IBM Proprinter model 4201 connected to LPT1. The system is set up to support Denmark/Norway and the Multilingual national languages.

To the end of your CONFIG.SYS file, add the following on separate lines:

device=c:\dos\display.sys con:=ega,,2 
device=c:\dos\printer.sys lpt1:=4201,,2 
install=c:\dos\nlsfunc.exe c:\dos\country.sys

These CONFIG.SYS commands tell OpenDOS that the hardware code page is not used, and that you are allocating space for two prepared code pages in each device. Also, they load memory-resident, national support functions.

To the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, add the following on separate lines:

mode con cp prep=((865,850)c:\dos\ega.cpi) 
mode lpt1 cp prep=((865,850)c:\dos\4201.cpi) 
keyb dk,,c:\dos\keyboard.sys 
chcp 865 

Note –

If the AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains two lines at the end of the file that invoke AUTOEXEC.BAT files on the E: or H: drive, place the international command lines before these lines.

These AUTOEXEC.BAT commands do the following: