Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 10 Directory Proxy Server Error Log Message Reference

This chapter lists messages logged by Directory Proxy Server . While this list is not exhaustive, the information presented in this chapter serves as a good starting point for resolving common problems.

The error is severe. Immediate action should be taken to avoid the loss or corruption of directory data.

Note –

When using the error log for debugging, increase the log level progressively until the debugging data you need becomes evident in the log. Do not enable error logging for all Directory Proxy Server components at once, especially on a production system, to avoid severely impacting performance.

In the case of internal errors, plug-in writers should check their parameters to slapi_*() functions first.

Common Error Codes

This section describes the error codes displayed in the instance-path/logs/errors log and the appropriate action to take should these errors occur.

1000: Server startup


Proxy instance has started.


dpadm start

1001: Clean Server Shutdown


Clean Server Shutdown alert is displayed when the Directory Proxy Server instance is stopped via. LDAP by the ShutDown task plug-in. The command-line interface implementation does not currently use this stop method.


An RFE (CR 6628583) has been filed to either change the way the dpadm command shuts down the server.

1002: Abrupt Server Shutdown


Directory Proxy Server instance has shut down abruptly.


Proxy was stopped through the command-line utility or Proxy JVM exited (Unexpected Fatal Exception, Out Of Memory...)


Restart the Directory Proxy Server instance.

dpadm restart

1003: Configuration Reloaded: OK


This alert is raised when the proxy dynamically reload the configuration file as a whole. This may happen in the following scenarios:

  • The Reload Configuration task plug-in is invoked via LDAP. This is currently not used by the monitoring framework.

  • It is possible to configure the proxy to automatically reload its configuration file when it is manually modified, that is, using a text editor. This feature is disabled by default for security and reliability reasons.

This alert is never raised using standard configuration.


The configuration file is changed on the disk.


Do not manually edit the configuration file, use dpconf to configure the proxy instance.

Modify the config.ldif file with a text editor and save to the disk.

1004: Configuration Reloaded: Warning


See the error code 1003. The server failed to reload the configuration but the running instance is not impacted by the configuration problem. As for the error code 1003, this can never occur with a default configuration as automatic configuration reloading is disabled.

1005: Configuration Reloaded: Error


See the error code 1003. The server failed to reload the configuration and the running instance could possibly be impacted by the configuration problem. As for the error code 1003, this can never occur with a default configuration as automatic configuration reloading is disabled.

2000: Data Source Not Available


A data Source is not available anymore. Last proactive monitoring query showed data source is unavailable.


The error occurred because of any of the following reasons:

  • Data source has been put offline

  • Data source crashed

  • Network issue


Do any of the following:

  • Bring data source back up

  • Fix network issue

Bring data source down.

2001: Data Source Available


A Data Source has become available. Last proactive monitoring query showed data source is available.


A Data source has been added or put online.


Bring data source up.

3000: Listener Not Available


The error is raised when a listener gets fatal IO exception during the accept()() system call. This error might prevent the proxy from restarting. It needs to be addressed as soon as it occurs.


The listener port is already in use.


Do the following to solve the problem:

  • Change port to an unused value.

  • Free the port by stopping the application bound to it.

4000: Data Inconsistency in Data Sources


The error occurs when an operation has to be applied on multiple back ends partially failed. This only may happen for write LDAP operations. For instance it would be raised when an add must be applied to two data views, if the add to the first data view goes through, the add to the second data view fails and automatic rollback, which consists in deleting the previously added entry in first data view, fails as well.

This may happen in Virtualization and Distribution use cases only.


An update, add, or delete operation has failed on one data source and the roll back operation is not performed.


When an operation must be applied to two data views, the proxy first make sure both are able to serve the request by allocating a connection to each data view. So to reproduce easily the problem, use a modify request targeting two data views and tweak the data so that the modify succeeds on the first data view and fails on the second one. For example, value already exists.