Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Installation and Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Run the amsfo Script

Before You Begin

Stop each of the OpenSSO Enterprise instances in the session failover deployment.

  1. Set the variables in the amsfo.conf file, as required for your deployment.

    For a description of all variables, see Table 8–1.

  2. Run the amsfo script on Solaris or Linux systems or the script on Windows systems.

    For example, to start the session failover components on a Solaris system:

    # cd /sfo-zip-root/sfo/bin
    # ./amsfo start

    The amsfo command then automatically finds the amsfo.conf file and displays status information as it runs.

  3. To check the results, see the /var/tmp/amsfo.log file.