Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Developer's Guide

Chapter 4 Running OpenSSO Enterprise in Debugging Mode

When you run OpenSSO Enterprise in Debugging Mode, debugging information is written to files in the ConfigurationDirectory/uri/debug directory. You can view the debugging files to help you determine where errors or other process problems occur. This chapter contains the following sections.

To Run OpenSSO Enterprise in Debugging Mode

  1. Open the OpenSSO Enterprise Console.

  2. Click the Configuration tab.

  3. Go to Sites and Servers > serverName > General, where serverName is the name of the OpenSSO Enterprise server instance you want to debug.

  4. Edit the Debug Directory attribute.

  5. Specify one of the following debug levels:


    No debugging information is written to the debug files.


    Use this level in production environments. During production, there should be no errors in the debug files.


    Allows Error and Warning debug messages to be written.

    Do not use the Warning level in a production environment. This setting can cause severe performance degradation due to excessive debug messages.


    Allows detailed code tracing.

    Do not use the Message level in a production environment. This level can cause severe performance degradation due to excessive debug messages.

Debugging information is written to files in the ConfigurationDirectory/uri/debug directory. By default, debugging information for an OpenSSO enterprise service or major component is written into a file named for the service or component:

To Merge Debugging Output into One File

  1. In the OpenSSO Enterprise administration console, go to Configuration > Sites and Servers > serverName > General.

    In this example, serverName is the name of the OpenSSO Enterprise server instance you are debugging.

  2. Set the Merge Debug files attribute to ON.