Before you deploy the OpenSSO Enterprise WAR file, here are a few changes to consider from previous releases of Access Manager and Federation Manager:
You deploy OpenSSO Enterprise from the opensso.war file, using the web container administration console or deployment command. You no longer run the Java Enterprise System installer.
You initially configure OpenSSO Enterprise using either the GUI or command-line Configurator. Then, to perform additional configuration, you use either the Administration Console or the new ssoadm command-line utility. You no longer run the amconfig script using variables in the the amsamplesilent file as input.
Configuration data, including policy agent configuration data, is stored in a centralized repository. This repository can be either Sun Java System Directory Server or the OpenSSO data store (which is usually transparent to the user). OpenSSO Enterprise server does not use the or serverconfig.xml files, except for co-existence with previous versions of Access Manager.