Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide

Deploying and Testing Web Services

Enterprise Server enables you to easily deploy and test web services.

Deploying Web Services

Deploy a web service in an enterprise archive (EAR) just as you would an enterprise application.

A web service can also be implemented by a POJO (plain old Java Object). Deploy a POJO web service using the auto-deploy feature by dragging and dropping it into the auto-deploy directory. Enterprise Server will automatically generate the appropriate web XML files and deploy the web service.

In Admin Console, you can view a list of deployed web services under Application Server > Web Services | General.

Viewing Deployed Web Services

To test a web service with Admin Console, select Applications > Web Services > web-service-name | General. Admin Console displays t the attributes of the web service:

Testing Web Services

Admin Console enables you to test web services and diagnose problems. You can ping a deployed web service with a generic test Servlet. SOAP messages are displayed for each method invocation.

To test a web service with Admin Console, select Applications > Web Services > web-service-name | General, then click the Test button.

Web Services Security

Support for SOAP message layer security is based on the SAML token profile of WS-Security. Tamper-proof auditing for Web services is also provided.