Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide

Configuring the Generic Resource Adapter

Prior to deploying the resource adapter, JMS client libraries should be made available to the Enterprise Server. For some JMS providers, client libraries may also include native libraries. In such cases, these native libraries should also be made available to the JVM(s).

  1. Deploy the generic resource adapter the same way you would deploy a connector module.

  2. Create a connector connection pool.

  3. Create a connector resource.

  4. Create an administered object resource.

  5. Make the following changes to the security policy in the Enterprise Server:

    • Modify sjsas_home/domains/domain1/config/server.policy to add java.util.logging.LoggingPermission "control"

    • Modify sjsas_home/lib/appclient/client.policy to add permission " ^ \"^\"","read":