Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Developer's Guide

Creating, Deleting, and Listing MBeans

This section describes the following commands:

To perform these tasks using the Admin Console, open the Custom MBeans component. For details, click the Help button in the Admin Console.

The asadmin create-mbean Command

After installing the MBean classes as explained in MBean Class Loading, use the asadmin create-mbean command to deploy the MBean. This registers the MBean in the MBeanServer that is part of the Enterprise Server runtime environment. For more information about the MBeanServer, see The MBeanServer in the Enterprise Server.

Here is a simple example of an asadmin create-mbean command in which TextPatterns is the implementation class. The --attributes and --target options are not required.

asadmin create-mbean --user adminuser --target server1 --attributes color=red:font=Times TextPatterns

Other options not included in the example are as follows:

All options must precede the implementation class.

For full details on the asadmin create-mbean command, see the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Reference Manual.

For more information about MBean attributes, see Handling MBean Attributes.

Note –

To redeploy an MBean, simply install its new classes into the Enterprise Server as described in MBean Class Loading. Then either restart the server or use asadmin delete-mbean followed by asadmin create-mbean.

The asadmin delete-mbean Command

To undeploy an MBean, use the asadmin delete-mbean command. This removes its registration from the MBeanServer, but does not delete its code. Here is an example asadmin delete-mbean command in which TextPatterns is the implementation class. The --target option is not required.

asadmin delete-mbean --user adminuser --target server1 TextPatterns

For full details on the asadmin delete-mbean command, see the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Reference Manual.

The asadmin list-mbeans Command

To list MBeans that have been deployed, use the asadmin list-mbeans command. Note that this command only lists the MBean definitions and not the MBeans registered in the MBeanServer. Here is an example asadmin list-mbeans command. The --target option is not required.

asadmin list-mbeans --user adminuser --target server1

The output of the asadmin list-mbeans command lists the following information:

For full details on the asadmin list-mbeans command, see the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Reference Manual.