Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Integration Guide

Configuring OpenSSO Enterprise for User-Initiated Account Unlock

The integration between OpenSSO Enterprise and Identity Manager supports only LDAP authentication for this user-initiated account unlock. The LDAP authentication module in OpenSSO supports account-lockout controls enforced by most directory servers.

To configure OpenSSO Enterprise for user-initiated account unlock, complete the following steps:

  1. Enable LDAP authentication.

  2. Define Identity Manager URLs as Not Enforced.

  3. Modify the Account Lockout Message page.

ProcedureTo Enable LDAP Authentication

Before You Begin

Memory account lockout in OpenSSO Enterprise must be disabled because the account lockout controls in the user data store will be used. You can use the OpenSSO Enterprise console to disable memory account lockout. See Enabling Account Lockout in Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Guide for detailed information.

  1. Log in to the OpenSSO Enterprise console as administrator.

  2. Click the Access Control tab.

  3. Navigate to Top Level Realm > Authentication > Authentication Chaining.

  4. In the Authentication Chaining section, click New.

  5. Enter a name for the chain and click OK.

    For this example: idmauth.

  6. On the new chain's Properties page, add the LDAP module as REQUIRED, and click Save.

  7. Click Back to Authentication.

  8. For the value of Organization Authentication Configuration, choose the service just created .

  9. Save changes and log out of OpenSSO Enterprise.

Next Steps

After completing this configuration, use /opensso/console to log in to the OpenSSO Enterprise console; do not /opensso/UI/Login. This ensures that the authentication module configured for the OpenSSO Enterprise administrator is used when logging into the OpenSSO Enterprise console, and that the LDAP module just configured is not used.

ProcedureTo Define Identity Manager URLs as Not Enforced

  1. Log in to the OpenSSO Enterprise console as administrator.

  2. Click the Access Control tab.

  3. Click the appropriate realm name and navigate to the Policy Agents profile for the policy agent that protects Identity Manager.

  4. Under the policy agent profile, click the Application tab.

  5. Add the following URIs to the Not Enforced URIs property.

    • /idm/authutil/

    • /idm/authutil/*

    • /idm/authutil/*?*

  6. Click Save.

  7. Log out of OpenSSO Enterprise.

Modifying the OpenSSO Enterprise Login Page

Embed code into the OpenSSO Enterprise Login.jsp file that will save the URL in the HTTP request parameter goto. This URL is required by the user_inactive.jsp that you will create in a subsequent procedure. The URL is saved so that it can be passed onto Identity Manager. Identity Manager ultimately redirects the user to the URL. This is the original URL requested by the user, before the user was redirected to OpenSSO for login.

Choose only one of the following procedures:

ProcedureTo Manually Modify a Deployed Login.jsp

  1. Use a text editor to open the file web-container-deploy-base/opensso/config/auth/default/Login.jsp.

  2. Modify the file as in the following sample.

    Changes are highlighted in bold.

    String ServiceURI = (String) viewBean.getDisplayFieldValue(viewBean.SERVICE_URI);
    String encoded = "false";
    String gotoURL = (String) viewBean.getValidatedInputURL(
    request.getParameter("goto"), request.getParameter("encoded"), request);
    String encodedQueryParams = (String) viewBean.getEncodedQueryParams(request);
    if ((gotoURL != null) && (gotoURL.length() != 0)) {
    encoded = "true";
    String replaygotoURL = "";
    String goToURL = request.getParameter("goto");
    if(gotoURL != null && !gotoURL.equals("null") && (gotoURL.length() > 0)){
    replaygotoURL = "&goto=" + goToURL;
    System.out.println("replaygotoURL: " + replaygotoURL);%>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= ServiceURI %>/css/styles.css" type="text/css" />
    <script language="JavaScript" src="<%= ServiceURI %>/js/browserVersion.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript" src="<%= ServiceURI %>/js/auth.js"></script>
    <input type="hidden" name="goto" value="<%= gotoURL %>">
    <input type="hidden" name="SunQueryParamsString" value="<%= encodedQueryParams %>">
    <input type="hidden" name="encoded" value="<%= encoded %>">
    <input type="hidden" name="plaingoto" value="<%= request.getParameter("goto") %>"></auth:form>

ProcedureTo Use the Sample Login.jsp

  1. Use a text editor to open the file opensso/integrations/idm/jsps/Login.jsp in the decompressed distribution.

  2. Replace the deployed /web-container-deploy-base/opensso/config/auth/default/Login.jsp with the modifiedLogin.jsp.

    Choose one of the following options:

    You can replace your existing Login.jsp with the sample Login.jsp. If you choose this option, the following will occur:

    • You will lose any custom changes made to the existing Login.jsp.

    • You will inherit changes that might have been previously made to the sample Login.jsp to incorporate requirements for other use cases related to the OpenSSO integration with Identity Manager.

    • You must change the Identity Manager URL embedded in the sample to reflect the Identity Manager system URL of your architecture.

      You can search for the string /idm to locate the URLs.

    Alternatively, you can manually make changes to the file. If you choose this option, run the diff command to view the differences between the two files.

  3. Remove the web containers temporary, compiled JSP to ensure that the changes made are picked up.

    For example, if using GlassFish, the temporary, compiled classes can be found under glassfish-home/domains/your-domain/generated/.

  4. Restart the OpenSSO Enterprise web container after making the changes.

Modifying the Account Lockout Message Page

Modify the user_inactive.jsp file. This file notifies the user that the account is locked. Modify the page to include a redirect to an Identity Manager page the user can use to unlock the account. The user_inactive.jsp file forwards the following information to Identity Manager:

The Identity Manager URL used in the following sample refers to anonResetPassword.jsp. You might, however, direct the user to questionLogin.jsp the forgotten password page. If a user has accidentally locked an account it may be because of a forgotten password.

You can manually change the deployed user_inactive.jsp file, or you can use the sample user_inactive.jsp included with the download. Choose only one of the following procedures:

ProcedureTo Manually Modify the Account Lockout Message Page

  1. Use a text editor to open the file web-container-deploy-base/opensso/config/auth/default/user_inactive.jsp.

  2. Add the sections of code highlighted in bold in the following example:

    <title><jato:text name="htmlTitle_UserInactive" /></title>
    String ServiceURI = (String) viewBean.getDisplayFieldValue(viewBean.SERVICE_URI);
    System.out.println("AccountId: " + request.getParameter("IDToken1"));
    System.out.println("goto: " + request.getParameter("goto"));
    System.out.println("plaingoto: " + request.getParameter("plaingoto"));
    String accountId = request.getParameter("IDToken1");
    String gotoURL = request.getParameter("plaingoto");
    String redirectURL = 
             if(accountId != null){
    redirectURL = redirectURL + "?accountId=" + accountId;
    if(gotoURL != null && !gotoURL.equals("null") && (gotoURL.length() > 0)){
    if(accountId == null){
    redirectURL = redirectURL + "?goto=" + gotoURL;
    redirectURL = redirectURL + "&goto=" + gotoURL;
    <div class="AlrtMsgTxt">
    <auth:resBundle bundleName="amAuthUI" resourceKey="contactadmin" />
    <!-- hyperlink -->
    <jato:content name="ContentHref">
    <p><a href="<%= redirectURL %>">Unlock Yourself</a></p>
    <td><img src="<%= ServiceURI %>/images/dot.gif"
    width="1" height="33" alt="" /></td>
  3. Embedded in the JSP, you will see the URL to the Identity Manager page that allows the account unlock. Modify this URL as per your deployment.

  4. Remove the web containers temporary, compiled JSP to ensure that the changes made are picked up.

    For example, if using GlassFish, the temporary, compiled classes can be found under glassfish-home/domains/your-domain/generated/.

  5. Restart the OpenSSO Enterprise web container after making the changes.

ProcedureTo Use the Sample Account Lockout Message Page

  1. Locate the file opensso/integrations/idm/jsps/user_inactive.jsp in the distribution.

  2. Replace the deployed /web-container-deploy-base/opensso/config/auth/default/user_inactive.jsp with the modified file.

    Choose only one of the following options:

    You can replace your existing user_inactive.jsp with the sample user_inactive.jsp. If you choose this option, the following will occur:

    • You will lose any custom changes made to the existing user_inactive.jsp.

    • You will inherit changes that might have been previously made to the sample user_inactive.jsp to incorporate requirements for other use cases related to the OpenSSO integration with Identity Manager.

    • You must change the Identity Manager URL embedded in the user_inactive.jsp to reflect your Identity Manager system URL. Search for the string /idm in the sample Login.jsp file to locate these URLs.

      The Identity Manager URL used in the sample mentions the page anonResetPassword.jsp. However, you might want to direct the user to the forgotten-password page questionLogin.jsp instead. If the user has accidentally locked his account, he may not know his password to be able to reset it.

    Alternatively, you can manually make the changes to the file. If you choose this option, run the diff command to view the differences between the two files.

  3. Remove the web containers temporary, compiled JSP to ensure that the changes made are picked up.

    For example, if using GlassFish, the temporary, compiled classes can be found under glassfish-home/domains/your-domain/generated/.

  4. Restart the OpenSSO Enterprise web container after making the changes.