Sun Cluster Data Service for Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB) Guide for Solaris OS

Creating a Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB) Database

This section contains the procedure to configure and create the initial HADB database in a Sun Cluster environment. Consider the following restrictions before creating your database.

ProcedureHow to Create a Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB) Database

Use the example in the following procedure to create, start, and verify the database.

  1. Create the database. This command automatically starts the database.

    # hadbm create \
    -H clusternode1-priv,clusternode2-priv,clusternode3-priv, \
    clusternode4-priv,clusternode5-priv,clusternode6-priv \
    --devicesize=2048 \
    -a 4 --set ManagementProtocol=rsh --dbpassword=secret12 \
    -s 2 hadb

    For details, see the Sun Java System Application Server documentation.

    Note –

    You must specify the hosts by using the Sun Cluster private interconnect hostnames. To find these hostnames, run the clnode show command from the primary Sun Cluster node.

    Note –

    If you are using the recommended SSH setup, you do not need to specify the ManagementProtocol property.

  2. Verify that the database is running.

    # hadbm status hadb --nodes
  3. Stop the database.

    # hadbm stop hadb
  4. Create the session store and the JDBC connection pool.

    For details, see the Sun Java System Application Server documentation.