Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 Administration Guide

Performance Report

The server statistics in buckets can be accessed using the perfdump utility. The performance buckets information is located in the last section of the report returned by perfdump.

The report contains the following information:

The following example shows sample performance bucket information available through perfdump:

Performance Counters:
                           Average         Total      Percent

Total number of requests:                      1
Request processing time:    0.2559        0.2559

default-bucket (Default bucket)
Number of Requests:                            1    (100.00%)
Number of Invocations:                         7    (100.00%)
Latency:                    0.2483        0.2483    ( 97.04%)
Function Processing Time:   0.0076        0.0076    (  2.96%)
Total Response Time:        0.2559        0.2559    (100.00%)