Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create Regular or Reverse Mapping

  1. Access the Server Manager, and click the URLs tab.

  2. Click the Create Mapping link.

    The Create Mapping page is displayed.

  3. In the page that appears, provide the source prefix and source destination for the regular mapping,

    for example,

    Source prefix:

    Source destination:

  4. Click OK.

    Return to the page and create the reverse mapping, for example,

    Reverse mapping:

    Source prefix:

    Source destination:

  5. To make the change, click OK.

    Once you click the OK button, the proxy server adds one or more additional mappings. To see the mappings, click the lView/Edit Mappings link. Additional mappings would be in the following format:

    from: /


    These additional automatic mappings are for users who connect to the reverse proxy as a normal server. The first mapping is to catch users connecting to the reverse proxy as a regular proxy. The “/” mapping is added only if the user doesn't change the contents of the Map Source Prefix text box provided automatically by the Administration GUI. Depending on the setup, usually the second mapping is the only one required, but the extra mapping does not cause problems in the proxy.

    Note –

    If the web server has several DNS aliases, each alias should have a corresponding regular mapping. If the web server generates redirects with several DNS aliases to itself, each of those aliases should have a corresponding reverse mapping.

    CGI applications still run on the origin server. The proxy server never runs CGI applications on its own. However, if the CGI script indicates that the result can be cached by implying a non-zero time-to-live by issuing a Last-modified or Expires header, the proxy will cache the result.

    When authoring content for the web server, keep in mind that the content will be served by the reverse proxy, too, so all links to files on the web server should be relative links. Do not refer to the host name in the HTML files. All links must consist only of the page:


    as opposed to a fully qualified host name, such as:

    Note –

    You can provide custom error pages for the errors that occur in reverse proxy mode. These error pages override the errors generated by the proxy. This enables you to prevent the client from knowing that a proxy server is configured.