Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 Configuration File Reference


The optional bu.conf file contains batch update directives. You can use these directives to update many documents at once. You can time these updates to occur during off-peak hours to minimize the effect on the efficiency of the server. The format of this file is described in this section.


A valid URL Accept filter consists of any POSIX regular expression. It is used as a filter to test URLs for retrieval in the case of internal updates, and determines whether branching occurs for external updates.

This directive may occur any number of times, as separate Accept lines or as comma-delimited or space-delimited entries on a single Accept line. These entries are applied sequentially. Default behavior is .*, letting all URLs pass.


Accept regular expression


For the Connections directive, n is the number of simultaneous connections to be used while retrieving. This method limits the load on your machine and, more importantly, the remote servers being contacted.

This directive can occur multiple times in a valid configuration, but only the smallest value is used.


Connections n


The argument n of the Count directive specifies the total maximum number of URLs to be updated through this process. This safeguard limits the process and defaults to a value of 300. This directive can occur multiple times in a valid configuration, but only the smallest value is used.


Count n


The Depth directive enables you to ensure that, while enumerating, all collected objects are no more than a specified number of links away from the initial URL. The default is 1.


Depth depth

Object boundaries

The Object wrapper signifies the boundaries between individual configurations in the bupdate.conf file. It can occur any number of times, though each occurrence requires a unique name.

All other directives are only valid when inside Object boundaries.


<Object name=name>


A valid URL Reject filter consists of any POSIX regular expression. It is used as a filter to test URLs for retrieval in the case of internal updates, and determines whether branching occurs for external updates.

This directive may occur any number of times, as separate Reject lines or as comma-delimited or space-delimited entries on a single Reject line. Entries are applied sequentially. Default behavior is no rejection for internal updates and .* (no branching, get single URL) for recursive updates.


Reject regular expression


In the Source directive. The argument keyword internal specifies batch updates are done only on objects currently in the cache. A directive of Depth 1 is assumed. For recursive enumeration, specify the name of a URL.

This directive can occur only once in a valid configuration.


Source internal
Source URL


The Type function lets you control the updating of mime types that the proxy caches. This directive can occur any number of times, in any order.


Type ignore
Type inline
Type mime_type


ignore means that updates will act on all MIME types that the proxy currently caches. This default behavior supersedes all other Type directives if specified.

inline means that in line data is updated as a special type, regardless of any later MIME type exclusions. These updates are meaningful only when doing recursive updates.

mime-type is assumed to be a valid entry from the system mime-types file, and is included in the list of MIME types to be updated. If the proxy doesn’t currently cache the given MIME type, the object may be retrieved but is not cached.