Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 Configuration File Reference


The add_sibling function identifies and configures a sibling server in an ICP neighborhood.


add_sibling name=name icp_port=port number proxy_port=port number 
	mcast_address=IP address ttl=number round=1|2

Note –

The above text will all be on one line in the icp.conf file.


name specifies the name of the sibling server, which can be a DNS name or an IP address.

icp_port specifies the port on which the sibling listens for ICP messages.

proxy_port specifies the port for the proxy on the sibling.

mcast_address specifies the multicast address the sibling listens to. A multicast address is an IP address to which multiple servers can listen. Using a multicast address enables a proxy to send one query to the network that all neighbors listening to that multicast address can receive. This process eliminates the need to send a query to each neighbor separately.

ttl specifies the time to live for a message sent to the multicast address. ttl controls the number of subnets a multicast message will be forwarded to. If the ttl is set to 1, the multicast message will only be forwarded to the local subnet. If the ttl is set to 2, the message will go to all subnets that are one hop away.

round specifies in which polling round the sibling will be queried. A polling round is an ICP query cycle. Possible values are:


add_sibling name=proxy2 icp_port=5151 proxy_port=3333 
	mcast_address= ttl=2 round=1

Note –

The above text will all be on one line in the icp.conf file.