Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 NSAPI Developer's Guide


The util_get_int_from_aux_file function is used to get a single line from a specified file and return it in the form of an integer. This ifunction enables you to store single numbers in a file.


#include <libproxy/cutil.h>
int util_get_int_from_file(char *root, char *name);


An integer from the file.


char*root is the name of the directory containing the file to be read.

char*name is the name of the file to be read.

See Also

util_get_long_from_aux_file, util_get_string_from_aux_file, util_get_int_from_file, util_get_long_from_file, util_get_string_from_file, util_put_int_to_file, util_put_long_to_file, util_put_string_to_aux_file, util_put_string_to_file