Deployment Example: SAML v2 Using Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0

ProcedureTo Download the Directory Server Bits and Required Patches to the Host Machines

Use this procedure to download the Directory Server Enterprise Edition (EE) 6.3 bits and the required system patches to both the Directory Server 1 host machine ( and the Directory Server 2 host machine (

  1. Access from a web browser and click Download Now.

  2. Provide the following information in the Select product configuration section and click View Downloads.

    Step 1: Select Component

    Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.x

    Step 2: Select Version


    Step 3: Select Delivery Type

    Compress Archive (ZIP)

    Step 4: Select Platform

    Choose the platform you are using.

    The Selection Results page will be displayed with links to the download sites for the Directory Server bits and required patches.

    Note –

    The patch numbers generated for download on the Selection Results page are based on your input. Check the most recent Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Release Notes to determine if you need to install other patches based on your machine's architecture and operating system. In this deployment, the Release Notes indicate that based on the hardware and operating system being used, patch 118855, patch 127112, patch 119964, patch 125379, and patch 119255 are required.

  3. Log into the host machine as a root user.

  4. Run patchadd to see if the patches are already installed.

    See the patchadd man page for more information.

    # /usr/sbin/patchadd -p | grep 118855

    No results are returned which indicates that the patch is not yet installed on the system.

    # /usr/sbin/patchadd -p | grep 127112

    No results are returned which indicates that the patch is not yet installed on the system.

    # /usr/sbin/patchadd -p | grep 119964

    No results are returned which indicates that the patch is not yet installed on the system.

    # /usr/sbin/patchadd -p | grep 125379

    No results are returned which indicates that the patch is not yet installed on the system.

    # /usr/sbin/patchadd -p | grep 119255

    No results are returned which indicates that the patch is not yet installed on the system.

    Note –

    If these patches are already installed on your machine, proceed to step 7.

  5. Make a directory for the patch downloads and change into it.

    # mkdir /export/patches
    # cd /export/patches
  6. Download the patches.

    You can click on the patch links from the Selection Results page or search for patches directly at If searching directly, navigate to the PatchFinder page and enter the patch number. For each patch you are downloading, click the HTTP link beside the heading Download Signed Patch (xxx bytes).

    Note –

    Signed patches are downloaded as JAR files. Unsigned patches are downloaded as ZIP files. In this step, ZIP files are downloaded.

  7. Make a directory for the Directory Server download and change into it.

    # mkdir /export/DS63
    # cd /export/DS63
  8. Download the Base Full Install of Directory Server EE 6.3 — Zip Distribution, Multi-Language, (DS/DPS/DE/ISW/DSRK) bits.

    Note –

    No Directory Server Administration Console is installed with these bits. This deployment example uses the command line to configure the software.

  9. Log out of the host machine.

  10. Repeat this same procedure on the host machine.