Deployment Example: SAML v2 Using Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0

ProcedureTo Install Application Server on the Secure Attribute Exchange Identity Provider Host Machine

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes you have completed 13.1 Patching the Secure Attribute Exchange Host Machines.

  1. Log in to the host machine as a root user.

  2. Create a directory into which the Application Server bits can be downloaded and change into it.

    # mkdir /export/AS91
    # cd /export/AS91
  3. Download the Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1 binary from the Sun Microsystems Product Download page to the /export/AS91 directory.

  4. Grant the downloaded binary execute permission using the chmod command.

    # chmod +x sjsas-9_1_01-solaris-sparc.bin
  5. Install the software.

    # ./sjsas-9_1_01-solaris-sparc.bin -console
  6. When prompted, provide the following information.

    You are running the installation program 
    for the Sun Java System Application Server. This 
    program asks you to supply configuration preference
    settings that it uses to install the server.
    This installation program consists of one or 
    more selections that provide you with information
    and let you enter preferences that determine
    how Sun Java System Application Server is 
    installed and configured. 
    When you are presented with the following
    question, the installation process pauses to 
    allow you to read the information that has 
    been presented When you are ready to continue, 
    press Enter.

    Press Enter to continue. 

    Have you read, and do you accept, all of 
    the terms of the preceding Software License 
    Agreement [no] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}?

    Enter yes.

    Installation Directory [/opt/SUNWappserver]
    {"<" goes back, "!" exits}

    Enter /opt/SUNWappserver91

    The specified directory "/opt/SUNWappserver91"
    does not exist. Do you want to create it now or 
    choose another directory?
    1. Create Directory
    2. Choose New.
    Enter the number corresponding to your choice [1] 
    {"<" goes back, "!" exits}

    Enter 1 to create the directory.

    The Sun Java System Application Server
    requires a Java 2 SDK. Please provide the path to
    a Java 2 SDK 5.0 or greater. [/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0] 
    {"<" goes back, "!" exits}

    Press Enter to accept the default value. 

    Supply the admin user's password and override
    any of the other initial configuration settings as 
    Admin User [admin] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}

    Press Enter to accept the default value. 

    Admin User's Password (8 chars minimum):
    Re-enter Password:

    Enter domain1pwd and then re-enter domain1pwd.

    Do you want to store admin user name and 
    password in .asadminpass file in user's home
    directory [yes] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}?

    Press Enter to accept the default value. 

    Admin Port [4848] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    HTTP Port [8080] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}
    HTTPS Port [8181] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}

    Press Enter to accept the three default values. 

    Do you want to enable Updatecenter client 
    [yes] {"<" goes back, "!" exits}?

    Press Enter to accept the default value. 

    Do you want to upgrade from previous 
    Application Server version [no] 
    {"<" goes back, "!" exits}?

    Press Enter to accept the default value. 

    The following items for the product Sun Java 
    System Application Server will be installed:
    Product: Sun Java System Application Server
    Location: /opt/SUNWappserver91
    Space Required: 161.61 MB
    Sun Java System message Queue 4.1
    Application Server
    Ready To Install
    1. Install Now
    2. Start Over
    3. Exit Installation
    What would you like to do [1] 
    {"<" goes back, "!" exits}?

    Press Enter to accept the default value and begin the installation process. 

    - Installing Sun Java System Application 
     - Installation Successful.

    When installation is complete, an Installation Successful message is displayed:

    Next Steps:
    1. Access the About Application Server 9.1 welcome 
    page at:
    2. Start the Application Server by executing:
      start-domain domain1
    3. Start the Admin Console:
    Please press Enter/Return key to exit the 
    installation program. {"!" exits}

    Press Enter to exit the installation program. 

  7. Log out of the host machine.