Sun Java System Message Queue 4.3 Technical Overview

Physical Destinations

A physical destination on the broker is a memory location where messages are stored before being delivered to a message consumer. There are four kinds of physical destinations:

Managing Destinations

Managing a destination involves one or more of the following tasks:

Management tasks vary with the kind of destination being managed: admin-created, auto-created, temporary, or dead message queue. For example, temporary destinations do not need to be explicitly destroyed; auto created properties are configured using broker configuration properties which apply to all auto-created destinations on that broker.

Configuring Physical Destinations

For optimal performance, you can set properties when creating or updating physical destinations. Properties that can be set include the following:

For a queue destination you can also configure the maximum number of active and back up consumers and you can specify (for broker clusters) whether delivery to a local queue is preferred.

You can also configure the limits and behavior of the dead message queue. Note, however, that default properties for this queue differ from those of a standard queue.