Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Developer's Guide

Exporting the Modified Theme WAR File

After doing the modifications in the Theme WAR file, you need to export the file to a new location.

ProcedureTo Export the Modified Theme WAR File

  1. From the Dreamweaver software, click File, select Export, and select Export WebSynergy Theme File option.

    The Export WebSynergy Theme File window appears.

  2. Enter appropriate values in the following fields.

    • Working Folder for WebSynergy Theme file — Specify the location of the folder where you have extracted the Theme WAR file and made changes.

    • Save New WebSynergy Theme file To — Specify the location where you would like to save the modified Theme WAR file.

    • Path to Java.exe — Specify the location of Java.exe file.

    Note –

    As soon as you specify the working folder for WebSynergy Theme file, the ViewDesigner plug-in reads the liferay-look-and-feel.xml and files and populates the fields in the Theme Properties:. You might want to change the filed values or leave them as it is before the Export operation. If you want to change any of the theme properties, you can enter the new values, and it gets persisted into the respective files.

    • Theme Id — The id of the theme. This gets persisted into the liferay-look-and-feel.xml file.

    • Theme Name — The name of the theme. This is the name that gets displayed in the list of available themes. This gets persisted into the liferay-look-and-feel.xml and files.

    • Theme Description — A short description of the theme. This gets persisted into the file.

    • Compatibility Version — The version of Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0, this theme is compatible with. This gets persisted into the liferay-look-and-feel.xml file.

    • Author — The author (for example, company name) of the theme. This gets persisted into the file.

    • Author URL — The author URL (could be the company URL). This gets persisted into the file.

    • Theme Licence — The licence of the theme. This gets persisted into the file.

  3. (Optional) You may click Cancel or Help to close the Export WebSynergy Theme File window or to open the Help for exporting the Theme WAR file.

  4. Click OK.

    The Theme WAR file is exported to the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Theme WAR. A message appears to inform you that the export was successful.