Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Developer's Guide

Creating a Portlet Using NetBeans Portal Pack 3.0

Create a portlet called MovieDatabase using the NetBeans IDE.

ProcedureTo Create a Portlet Using the NetBeans IDE

  1. On NetBeans IDE, click File and select New Project.

    The New Project window appears.

  2. From the list of Projects in the Choose Project pane, select Web Application and click Next.

  3. In the New Web Application window, specify the name of the project as MovieApplication.

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the Server and Settings pane, select Sun GlassFish Web Space Server from the Server drop down menu.

  6. Click Next.

  7. From the Frameworks list box, select Portlet Support framework.

  8. In the Portlet Support Configuration pane, select Create Portlet and change the Portlet Class Name to MovieDataEntryPortlet.

  9. Click Finish.

    The NetBeans IDE creates a portlet web application and generates all the required files for the web application.