Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Community

For the purposes of this example, the Admin user account will be used.

  1. Choose Sign Out from the Welcome menu to log out of the Paul Tester account, if you are still logged in to it.

  2. Log in using the Admin User account.

    This account provides full super user permissions for the Web Space Server example site.

  3. Open the Control Panel from the Welcome menu.

    Control Panel menu item

    The Control Panel for the Admin user is displayed. Note that there are many more controls available in the Admin Control Panel than there are for regular users.

  4. Scroll down to the Portal section in the pane on the right, and click Communities.

    The Communities portlet is displayed.

    Communities portlet
  5. Click Add to create a new community.

    The Communities properties page is displayed.

  6. Enter a name and description for the community.

  7. Select a community Type.

    • Open — Authenticated users can join the community without explicit permission. Users logged in with a guest account can view the community but cannot join it.

    • Restricted — Anyone can request to join, but the community owner must approve the request.

    • Private — Only those users specifically added by the community owner can be members; no specific join request from the user is required or permitted.

  8. Check Active to enable the community.

  9. Click Save to return to the Community portal page in Control Panel.

  10. Log out of the Admin User account and log back in to the Paul Tester account.

    You are returned to Paul Tester's Home page.

  11. From the Welcome menu, choose My Places->My Community->Private Pages.

    Private Pages menu entry
  12. Click the Communities link on the Page Bar.

    The new community is displayed in the available communities list.

  13. Click the Available Communities tab.

    The new community is displayed in the Available Communities list.